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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?



baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

I think that quote is geared towards Disney worlds specifically. Although I'm sure they'll be giving themselves some leniency - they probably have to end up at the Coliseum at some point anyway. And also this quote doesn't rule out anything if he means that each returning design will have totally revamped maps like many did between KH1 and KH2. Same place, but totally different maps.

I'm thinking that's closer to what he meant.


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

so hopefully we won't be getting another Agrabah marketplace, God willing :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind seeing the Marketplace again, but only if they decide to revamp it a bit and make the layout interesting and fun to explore. Also, they really need to make sure that there are NPC's in there this time around instead of only showing up at only one time when no one is going to expect to find you (Kingdom Hearts I) or a merchant and parrot (Kingdom Hearts II).


Aug 24, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

The idea of the Market Place can work if we have NPCs reacting when they see heartless. it would give the worlds more life, which 2 NPCs is already a feat in itself lol


Jul 28, 2004
in my mind
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

The idea of the Market Place can work if we have NPCs reacting when they see heartless. it would give the worlds more life, which 2 NPCs is already a feat in itself lol

yeah, i can imagine the local NPCs ducking for cover when the Heartless appear and then slowly return to what they where doing bwhen the battle is over.


press △ to sora
Apr 29, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

I can imagine it, technically, but I can't actually picture KH doing it just because they never have really tried in 7+ games so far lol.

It'd definitely make the world feel more real though.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

I can imagine it, technically, but I can't actually picture KH doing it just because they never have really tried in 7+ games so far lol.

It'd definitely make the world feel more real though.

This is probably because things like this are in essence only "atmospheric eye candy", something neither the old KH (Tokyo)-Team nor the Osaka-Team or Nomura himself paid any attention too.

KH III will probably have three different absolutely gorgeous looking special effects for every spell and ability, awesomely animated Disney rides, very elaborate and flashy Keyblade Transformations as well as more than 30 different variants of enemy mooks (Heartless, Nobodies and whatever) but no actual generic "friendly" or neutral NPCs that would (in the dev-teams eyes) just stand there and waste space.

Not having generic NPCs was never really a hardware issue (except maybe in the original GBA-CoM and the original DS titles), as PS2-games like FFX (Dream Zanarkand, Luca, Bevelle) or FF XII (Rabanastre, Bujerba, Archades) had whole cities filled to the brim with generics who apart from the occassional sidequest were just there for eye candy.
The KH series does not have them because they cannot be there, but because the dev team does not care to put any there.

Most "rooms" or maps in the KH series being designed as battlefields where you are supposed to beat mooks all over the place might also have something to do with it.


New member
Apr 19, 2013
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Sephiroth, as always, is the voice of reason.

I also fully believe KH's empty worlds are a design choice by the team. Almost every part of the maps double as a battlefield, having NPCs in such places would be more detrimental than anything (notice how in FFXII in particular, a game without separate battle screens similar to KH, you don't actually ever fight in the sprawling cities). I also personally think there's something about the team not wanting to add generics into Disney worlds, we know at least they had no trouble adequately populating Twilight Town (though again, much of it is not a battleground). Only exception I can think of rn is Olympus, there is no reason for the Colosseum being empty when at least some people came to watch us play Struggle.

That said, I don't expect KH3 to make much of a difference regarding this.


Aug 24, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Thing is that When certain worlds come into play, particulary cities, no NPCs just walking or selling, just makes the world stick out like a sore thumb. Hunchback, Tron, Colosseum, and most likely San Fransokyo are going to be clear examples. There are alot of people who want to just see groups of people that way it feels like you're actually saving a world. Sure it was excuseable because most of the time its been on weaker hardware or systems, but now times have changed.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

I also fully believe KH's empty worlds are a design choice by the team. Almost every part of the maps double as a battlefield, having NPCs in such places would be more detrimental than anything (notice how in FFXII in particular, a game without separate battle screens similar to KH, you don't actually ever fight in the sprawling cities). I also personally think there's something about the team not wanting to add generics into Disney worlds, we know at least they had no trouble adequately populating Twilight Town (though again, much of it is not a battleground). Only exception I can think of rn is Olympus, there is no reason for the Colosseum being empty when at least some people came to watch us play Struggle.

That said, I don't expect KH3 to make much of a difference regarding this.

Considering they did have a crowd cheering for Mulan in one cutscene during the Land of Dragons, it most likely is done by choice.
Land of Dragons also had three to four generic Chinese Soldiers (in the village and the throne room of the Emperor) running around, although I think they too use all the same model.
The notion of normally adding no generics to Disney worlds might be nonetheless correct though as they would have to create and texture extra generic models for each single Disney world based on their respective theme and artstyle (ancient greeks for Olympus, programs for Tron, medieval frenchmen and gypsies for Hunchback, arabians for Agrabah etc.) which they obviously do not want to put the effort into.
I mean, they didn't even put in the effort to make younger models for main characters Terra, Aqua and Ventus for the flashback scenes in BBS that take place four years before BBS itself (the only difference being with Ven not having his crossing straps and the shoulder armor in his "flashback"-model), so I can see why they don't bother with extra eye candy-generics that would only stand around and do nothing which would have to be individualized for each world.
Twilight Town, Traverse and Radiant Garden being original worlds is what makes the difference as to why they sometimes have generics, since for these worlds they can just create three or four generic models and then work with palette swaps and different textures.

Sure it was excuseable because most of the time its been on weaker hardware or systems, but now times have changed.

Quoting myself:
Not having generic NPCs was never really a hardware issue (except maybe in the original GBA-CoM and the original DS titles), as PS2-games like FFX (Dream Zanarkand, Luca, Bevelle) or FF XII (Rabanastre, Bujerba, Archades) had whole cities filled to the brim with generics who apart from the occassional sidequest were just there for eye candy.

Hardware and systems have nothing to do with it. Nomura and the other members of the dev team simply do not have this issue on their radar.
It's even possible that they do not even consider this thing to even be an issue in the first place and instead of being very low on their priority list it is not on their list of things to do at all.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Inside Out "World" Proposal: Sora has the means to awaken Ventus after exploring the other Disney worlds & returns his heart to him. When Ven still doesn't awaken Sora dives into Ven's heart much like Riku did in Sora's to sort out the problem. Since KH2 made it clear that emotions are tied to hearts, Sora meets Ven's 5 emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, & Fear. Inexplicably Ven's emotions look identical to Riley's because hey, gotta have the actual main movie characters in this to count as a Disney world right?

The 6 of them discover the reason why Ven isn't awake yet: the Vanitas half of his heart has also returned & Vanitas' Will is making a last ditch effort to gain control of the whole being again. Vanitas kidnaps Anger, Fear, Sadness, & Disgust; their negative emotional attributes serving to recharge his powers. This leaves Joy as the guest party member, venturing with Sora across the different islands of Ven's mind. Along the way they encounter unverse as the world's enemies, rescue the other emotions who are held at different islands before finally tracking down Vanitas & having a final showdown with Vanitas himself. Possibly the final showdown chronologically, though Xehanort could still pull a time-warped past Vanitas for the endgame.


Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

out of the worlds that been annouced or reveal what world you can't wait to visit and why? me personally it a toss up between big hero 6 and tangled. big hero 6 because of that movie was good and the story they doing with it going is going to be insane and tangled i just wondering how they going to rapunzel hair and plus it woulds see eugene again plus i wonder the story going to be?

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Inside Out "World" Proposal: Sora has the means to awaken Ventus after exploring the other Disney worlds & returns his heart to him. When Ven still doesn't awaken Sora dives into Ven's heart much like Riku did in Sora's to sort out the problem. Since KH2 made it clear that emotions are tied to hearts, Sora meets Ven's 5 emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, & Fear. Inexplicably Ven's emotions look identical to Riley's because hey, gotta have the actual main movie characters in this to count as a Disney world right?

The 6 of them discover the reason why Ven isn't awake yet: the Vanitas half of his heart has also returned & Vanitas' Will is making a last ditch effort to gain control of the whole being again. Vanitas kidnaps Anger, Fear, Sadness, & Disgust; their negative emotional attributes serving to recharge his powers. This leaves Joy as the guest party member, venturing with Sora across the different islands of Ven's mind. Along the way they encounter unverse as the world's enemies, rescue the other emotions who are held at different islands before finally tracking down Vanitas & having a final showdown with Vanitas himself. Possibly the final showdown chronologically, though Xehanort could still pull a time-warped past Vanitas for the endgame.

That is a genius means of using Inside Out. What about Bing Bong though? He needs his spotlight in Kingdom Hearts 3. As far as enemies go in a potential Inside Out world, I can see Dream Eaters and Mr. Jangles being enemies.

My personal proposition is to have Oz, The Great and Powerful and Tommorowland in Kingdom Hearts 3!


May 16, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

A FF world with some Dissidia characters


Sep 11, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

The main worlds I want to see is Treasure Planet, Lilo and Stitch and Toy Story if Pixar can get involved. I'd also would like to see Pride Lands come back and have The Lion King 2 adapted. Disney's version of Robin Hood would be pretty cool too, although I'm not to keen on the idea of Sora being a furry. I also want to see the cast from TWEWY again as well as Noctis.

I mainly want to see Treasure Planet though since it's one of my favourite Disney movies and I feel that it would fit into the KH universe really well. I also honestly think that Sora would get along with Jim better than any other Disney character he has met so far. Also the overall world would be interesting to explore too, such as exploring the ship and solar surfing.

And if Hunchback didn't make it into DDD, I would have wanted it in KH3 too. As much as I really want to see it return and done properly (unlike the terrible job DDD did. The only good thing they did well was the music), the story-line has all pretty much be covered in DDD so there's nothing else they could really do with it.

Also I want to see Toy Story make it pretty much because I want to see Sora interact with Buzz Lightyear pre-character development, which would be pretty funny. Also because Sora and co would have to be actual toys so they can communicate with the other toys, which would be very interesting.
Last edited:


New member
May 17, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

I can promise you that if anyone is looking at these boards from Square Enix it's not Nomura. Also, the game's been in development since before you started posting. If Sophia the First did happen to be in KH3, I'm sure it would have been on Nomura's list years ago.
Actually I HAVE been posting this idea on other KH sites since before KH3 development started so he might have seen it on those other sites and DID get interested back then.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Actually I HAVE been posting this idea on other KH sites since before KH3 development started so he might have seen it on those other sites and DID get interested back then.
Weh... this again? I really doubt that Nomura is the only one who decides which worlds should appear, and I really don't think any of the people who do base it off of a couple forum posts. If the entire fandom is on board with an idea and is extremely vocal about it, maybe they'll pay attention. However, you're honestly the only person I've seen here who's adamant about this TV show.

Besides, I'm pretty sure that Nomura and the others have plenty of awareness about the assets they can and can't use as worlds. I doubt that shouting about Sophia the First will tell them anything new; they likely already know that it exists.


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Man, I really want Pride Lands to make a return but.....