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Waiting for the Gods [SIGN UP'S]

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Oct 11, 2007
Shall do.


I'm going to edit the first post with accepted and reserved characters :)


Feb 7, 2008
Name: Xin Re, pronounced sheen-ray [心热 - lit. Heart's warmth]
Age: Very barely 17.
Gender: Female
Personality: For a god of emotion, Xin Re is quite stable in her emotions. Never has she blindly acted purely based upon what she felt, out of anger or envy or what not. Those things, while they are emotion, are not what she is. She is Emotion itself, the mother and master of those emotions. A master will not fall to its inferior and thus, Emotion never falls to the 'emotions' themselves. The reason for this, though, is that the emotions Xin Re herself feels are manifested physically, rather than being cooped up in her mind. This ability is to be learned later.
That said, Emotion does have a bit of a superiority complex when it come to speaking with the other emotions. This is more subconscious now, and while it isn't to the degree of arrogance or pride, it does imply that she thinks she is better. But hey, she's 16.
Her personality is closer to a monk's, really, than anything else. Eternally calm and collected, she does speak and act in a warm, but somewhat disengaged way. She does have emotions still - just not as intense. More of a narrator of the world's emotions, she does eventually interfere when things go out of balance. Or when she's unsatisfied. The one emotion that really does define her is contentedness. Peace to the world and stuff.

- Immunity to forced changes in emotion.
- The ability to feel other's emotions and change or stabilize them - 'spirit healing', as it is often called. The physical body is intimately linked to the emotions and the mind, which she holds domain over. A simple touch to the forehead can clear the mind and calm the most violent of beasts. Or if she's feeling particularly nasty, throw them into a state of emotional turmoil. While she can influence the emotions of love, wrath, envy, and so on, she does so through a roundabout, subtle way that is no way near as effective as the gods of the said emotions themselves.
- Some rudimentary mind reading more akin to intuition. Emotion can be quite convincing, having a silver tongue that exploits people's emotions. Can grow into the ability to read the subconscious (as opposed to the conscious) mind of people.

- [Forgotten] Intuition, the ability to feel the best course of action or the most desirable thing to say. All mortal men's most inner hopes, dreams, and fears are laid out before Emotion, and she can glimpse some gods' thoughts if they are caught unawares.
- [Forgotten] Can completely remove all emotion from a person, making them an empty, thoughtless shell. Gods are immune, as well as some very strong willed humans. This removal of emotion can be temporary or permanent.
- [Forgotten] Emotion's emotions are physical - that is, when she 'feels' intense emotions, rather than it being cooped up inside her, they are manifested physically. Sadness, for example, is manifested as tears which can cure wounds, while jealously creates a weak miasma around her that drains energy.

Side: Good, though she works more with neutrality.
God: Emotion
Nationality: Chinese
Job: Studying therapeutic psychology, but has already published a single slim ground-breaking book on the matters of the mind. Quite well known as an unexpected genius among the psychology field.
Other: Can anyone guess which character I used in the pic? The name kind of gives a hint :D
Temp (especially the abilities) will be continually updated as Emotion learns more about her powers.


Name: De'Ath [pronounced De-ahth]
Age: You want to know Death's age? Are you kidding?
Gender: Male
Personality: Charmingly philosophical, yet quick to anger. Death likes a good debate, and the quick witted can impress Death enough so that he leaves them alone. In the modern world, most just panic rather than talk to him, which makes Death angry. And when Death is angry, bad things happen.
He can be incredibly charismatic but demanding, and his willpower is so great that many feel drawn to his demands just by being near him, the unexplainable lure of the afterlife. Death gets along quite well with all the gods, as everything in the end leads to Death.
When Death is angered, however, things are not good. If Death tries to hurt you, it tends to be fatal. But Death is whimsical, coming and going like the autumn breeze, and his moods are as ambiguous, switching off and on at the drop of the hat. He is quite subtle, however, and plans against or for something never make sense until the last moment where everything comes together.


This is the appearance he takes among the students and gods. In this appearance, he looks to be about 17, though nothing is certain. His true form is more mysterious, being always wrapped up in some dark black cloak. His face is quite strange, seemingly shifting between different races and looks so much that it is impossible to tell what nationality he is from. He is the normal person that does not stand out in the crowd, yet one that everyone knows is different.

- Ephemeral: While De'Ath can be touched and interact with the world, any 'deadly' actions, like a bullet or a knife, seem to just go through him. De'Ath can also seemingly vanish into thin air, appearing wherever he wants, whenever he wants.
- De'Ath can see the lifespans of mortals hanging over their heads, in an incomprehensible mess of numbers. If he wishes, he can fiddle with the numbers to make their lives shorter, or set it to 0 to have them die immediately - though sudden death is noticeable and is not De'Ath's way of killing. However, De'Ath exists to maintain balance, not destroy it, and so he moniters mortal's lifespans rather than change it. Gods are immune.
- Mortals and weaker gods (e.g. Those who have lost their memories) may feel drawn to De'Ath inexplicably, and start feeling apathetic, not caring about the world or their lives.
- De'Ath can make the weak-willed commit suicide, and influence the strong-willed significantly as well. Gods are immune.
- De'ath's greatest non-lethal weapon is Fear, making a person (or god) so terrified that they can do nothing more than cower at their own nightmares. Of course, this effect is reduced on gods and strong willed people, but is still extremely effective.
- Manipulable: De'Ath is very easy to influence, especially by the powers of the other gods. Though manipulation in an attempt to save their own lives just angers De'Ath.

God: Death
Side: Neutral
Nationality: Unknown/Ambiguous. He looks to be a mix of all races, and it is incredibly hard to pin down his origin.
Works as a trash collector on campus. He says that he feels sympathy for the things that people throw away, as it has reached the end of its life. Because he is a trash collector, he has access to many places normal people do not.
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Deleted member 74488

Can lust be split into Twins? Each twin with half the power?


Feb 7, 2008
Lol nvm, I realized Emotion wasn't taken so..... that's for me. Emotion gives more opportunities than Death :D


Oct 11, 2007
Sloth [ACCEPTED] – Aliahya
Love [ACCEPTED] – varsha
Wrath [ACCEPTED] – Reckless Brawler

Mind [RESERVED] – Wicked
Judgment [RESERVED] – Wicked
Hope [RESERVED] – Jax-Oh1
Envy [RESERVED] – Xiao
Lust [RESERVED] – Chi-Chan
Emotion [RESERVED] – Akans

Some of the reservations are because people haven't completely finished there template.

Chi-Chan said:
Can lust be split into Twins? Each twin with half the power?

Yes! Thats a really beautiful idea!


Feb 7, 2008
Mind and Judgment? Scary combination. Especially since they'll have all their powers D:
So if we start power playing we can get smited off the bat.... hey that's not a bad idea.

And Emotion is finished I think. There's not a lot to write about xD
And a FYI - you put "Side" twice in the template on the spoilers thing on the first page.


Oct 11, 2007
hahah, woops. Your character is great. [ACCEPTED]

Don't have time to edit now, lol. I'll edit later. If I don't. Slap me.


Feb 7, 2008

Damn you Judgement.... Damn you!
Can lust be split into Twins? Each twin with half the power?
Lol are they going to be a guy and a girl? Then you can attack both genders equally effectively xD
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Deleted member 74488

Ones going to be a girl. Ones going to be a guy ;D


Don't Panic
Feb 23, 2009
  • Name - Chive Cloc
  • Age - 19
  • Gender - Male
  • Personality - Chive's a joker. He's always ready with a positive outlook despite his nasty habit of making others sick. He always stays down in the middle when it comes to gods; as long as he gets to laugh when others are puking, he's happy. ...I guess that makes him a bit sadistic, huh?
  • Appearance - Short white hair with a few bangs here and there, he's skin is also rather pale. His eyes are a misty blue, and he sports a single earring from his left ear in the shape of a smiling skull. He often wears a grey sweater with a hood (no zipper) and lime green pants. He wears a simple silver ring on his third finger (ring finger) which bears no markings.
  • Ability - Can make people, plants, or animals ill by exhaling deeply. He can cause anything from the sniffles to explosive diarrhea and beyond.
  • Side - Neutral
  • God - Plague
  • Nationality - ...American?
  • Other - meh


Bronze Member
Feb 12, 2007
Hey can you reserve Greed for me? I think I found a power that can work with that God.

The Dream

Oh no, not me, I never lost control
Apr 5, 2008
Under this bed
Alright I was accepted *Notices how long ago that stament was made* Uh... I'll just have a quiet late party *easts cake then comes back* Well that was fun XD


serious at least all of the time
Apr 12, 2005
How's my temp coming along Wicked? Anything I need to improve? It's not the best ever, but I'm not really sure as to how this is going to start, like the setting, etc. Do we all need to be in the same country, in the same general place? Because I certainly have something in mind to edit my temp to accordingly.

Edit: Reposted--

Name: Kateus Avund
Age: 22
Gender: Female
God: Envy
Side: Evil
Personality: Kateus' personality is double sided. Beneath her vibrant (and sometimes vain) social side lies a darker, often vindictive nature. This, combined with her unparalleled mastery of deception, makes Kateus a social force to be reckoned with. Her personality is questionably and suspiciously magnetic, and the company she keeps often has something wicked lurking under a gregarious surface. While her positive relationships are strong, one would say that she grows and changes due to negative forces. She often develops fierce feelings of hostility towards people she envies, and stops at nothing till she feels that she is "above" them. At the same time, she holds the same hostility towards those she feels are inferior - she often secretly sees part of herself in those people, and that is something she cannot tolerate.
Nationality: Swedish, Finnish
Appearance: Kateus stands at an average 5'6 and a slight 128 pounds. Unlike many of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed people that populated her hometown, Kateus has almost unnatural, stunningly green eyes
and a shock of long, red hair
that often turned heads.
Ability: (Will be developed as the RP gets rolling) Kateus has noticed as of late that many people around her have begun to act strangely from time to time, almost as if out of jealousy of her, or each other... These changes usually occur suddenly, and she always feels rather warm when this happens, and a slight burning sensation in her eyes..
Other: Kateus and Avund mean envy in Finnish and Swedish, respectively :p
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