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Waiting for the Gods [SIGN UP'S]

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Oct 11, 2007
First template ever. Here goes nothing lol.

* Name- Eau Dura

* Age- 16

* Gender- Male

* Personality- Eau is a fighter. Has been since he was a kid. His speed and strength makes him a powerful enemy. He may seem quiet at first but thats because he is thinking. Friendly, playfull and cocky, alot of people look up to him. He never boasts, always poliet, loves helping people. He is a leader and a great thinker at heart. He looks at all the options, good and bad. Always trying to do the right thing. But sometimes even he doesn't know what is right. He has alittle bit of an angry side. If you push him you will pay. He tries to control it, he doesn't like hurting people unless its nessicary. Don't be around him when he is angry. He is a totally different person. He won't care who you are, he will hurt you. Stay out of his way and just let him do his thing. You wouldn't be able to stop him anyway.

* Appearance- Eau stands at 5'9. With wavy blonde hair and green eyes. He likes to wear a black muscle shirt with greyish pants. His muscle is very lean and hard. Not to skinny but too big. He is caucasion but his skin has a golden tinge to it.

* Ability- Eau's abilitly is he has a way with people. To make people like him. To make people follow him.To trust him. He could assemble a whole army in less than an hour. He can talk his way out of anything and convince people whatever he wants. He could convince a man to kill his own wife and kids.

* Side- Good

* God- War, Friendship.

* Status/Location/Job- A highschool student

* Nationality- caucasion

* Other- Eau's main goal right now is just to live through highschool.

When you wanted to reserve War & Friendship, I wasn't aware that you would make them one person. Sorry, but that will not work. Simply because War is Neutral and Friendship is Good; Neutral HAS their memories and Good does not. Sorry about that, but I'm going to have to ask you to redo your template, not because it wasn't good; it was a perfect construction for your first template but because the story will not work if your character stays as is.

Relliks Ban said:
I was wondering, if there ends up being an open spot, I'd like to get it. :eek:

There are plenty of spots :)

Just read the rules etc and pick a character.


Ok, I've decided that I don't want to play JUST Neutral characters (Judgment and Mind) so I'm giving up mind for another Good or Bad character. Thus, Mind is free so if anyone wants to play him, that would be good. Judgment and Mind are like the heads of all the Gods. Judgment is slightly higher in the ranks but nonetheless, very high. Please consider taking up this character as he will be a very important character within the roleplay.
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Bronze Member
Oct 7, 2008
Hey im thinking of making a 2nd character, would i be able to reserve life?
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Oct 11, 2007
Yes you would be able to :) [RESERVED]


Waiting for the Gods [Official Roleplay Thread]

Something I'd like to stress before you post;

THE NATURE OF THIS ROLEPLAY IS VERY SERIOUS. The last times I've done this, the roleplay was pretty laid back and fun, but I'm thinking this time I'd like to take a darker more meaningful story. The Gods have gone, the world might fall into Chaos. People will die, disasters will happen. This is like an apocalyptic story about struggle and finding balance within the world.

Lets do this thing! woooh


Bronze Member
Feb 12, 2007
Name Travis Royal
Age: 24

Gender: Male


In a nutshell, Travis is an arrogant, selfish, asshole, who can care less about anybody else in the world. He usually likes to work alone, but when he is forced to work in a group atmosphere he raises hell. Bickering with most of the people in the group as well as repeating the line “I’m the only one needed in this group”. Most people whisper about how Greedy Travis is and he actually like that title. A man with his wealth and status should be greedy and everything in this world should be his. Everything he wants he gets and there’s no expectation in his eyes. If he can’t have it, Travis mind wanders into destroying whatever it is. He hasn’t taken any action yet, but if he was psycho analyzed the doctor would put him in a mental institution.


Travis stands at a fairly tall height of 6’2 with short black hair. The hair sits cozily on top of his head in the style of a dark caesar, but is rarely seen due to his navy blue polo cap he wears on his head. The cap sports the polo sign in the middle of it and Travis wears it halfway on his head, so that the whole back of his head is covered and most of the top, but leaves a little portion of the front open. Travis has a caramel skin color with a little goatee type thing going on. His bright green eyes is the most distinguishable feature of his face, since it stands out the most on his face and it seems like their peering directly into your soul. In both Travis ears he has a diamond stud earring.

The clothes Travis wears are quite simple, he has a white t-shirt which is covered by a dark black jacket which he leaves open at all times. The jacket consists of two pockets; one on each of their respectable sides and pocket on the inside where Travis keeps his phone. On both of Travis’s forearms he has gotten a Greed tattoo which he feels fits his personality nicely. Greed Tattoo The bottom half of Travis wardrobe is consist of dark blue straight leg jeans which he cuffs to fit over his dark black sneakers.


All Mines: Travis ability consists of him taking anything in the world he wants using his brain. If he thinks about something he wants it shall appear in his hand in an instant. The only setback to this little ability is that once something is taken, someone from the world loses that possession. *For example if Travis walks past a store and see’s a pair of sneakers he wants, he can take it, but a person who has a pair of the sneakers, loses it.* Not like Travis cares anyway.

God: Greed

Side: Bad

Nationality: American

Occupation: Thief and College Student

Other: Travis works as a full time thief, taking orders from no one. He is infamous around the world, stealing masterpiece paintings such as the Mona Lisa and jewelry that was supposed to be given to high ranking officials like the President. Due to this Travis has allocated a vast amount of money and possessions and could be considered one of the richest people in the United States.
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New member
Feb 16, 2010
When you wanted to reserve War & Friendship, I wasn't aware that you would make them one person. Sorry, but that will not work. Simply because War is Neutral and Friendship is Good; Neutral HAS their memories and Good does not. Sorry about that, but I'm going to have to ask you to redo your template, not because it wasn't good; it was a perfect construction for your first template but because the story will not work if your character stays as is.

Thats okay. Can I just stick with friendship then? It goes best with my character anyways.


Bronze Member
Oct 7, 2008
Name: Rhia Disantha

Age: 26

Female: Female

Personality: Soft spoken and kind hearted. Rhia enjoys the quite things in life. She will be found with a smile on her face. She is very down to earth. But her ways seems to get her into strife that she is babies the people around her as her Mother side takes over. She enjoys living like her children (humanity) do, she never abuses the abilities forcing things to grow, but enjoys the waiting for what can come and the hard work for the lead up. This isnt just reflected when it comes to plants, she is very patient when it comes to the gods listening but never ofering her advice unless it is asked for.

Appearance: Her short blond spiky hair highlighted with white is complimented by her honey brown eyes. Slender but short for her age, Rhia is normally found with an oversized sun hat and floral dress or white dress. Her white skin glows with no blemishes. Her intelligent but down to earth nature allows her to befriend people easy but she is normally found observing others with a keen mind.


Nature: She can allow the buds of flowers to open; she can water roots without the touch. She can make a tree grow from the tiniest of seeds in a few minutes. She can become apart of nature if she needs to watching the world sharing the body of a tree or flower. Nature also can speak to her, telling her what is going around in the school.

Healing: Rhia is able to heal the physical wounds of another no matter how terrible they are. With a soft touch skin can rebound without a trace of a scar or scab.

Side: Neutral

God: Life

Nationality: British

Other: She is the school gardener, taking care of the plants and trees of the campus. She interacts with the good and bad gods often as she has “spies” everywhere

Hope thats okay, i will post when i know this character has been accpeted or not :D

Great Opening posts everyone too
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serious at least all of the time
Apr 12, 2005
I'm pretty sure Wicked has Mind.


Don't Panic
Feb 23, 2009
Wicked said:
k, I've decided that I don't want to play JUST Neutral characters (Judgment and Mind) so I'm giving up mind for another Good or Bad character. Thus, Mind is free so if anyone wants to play him, that would be good. Judgment and Mind are like the heads of all the Gods. Judgment is slightly higher in the ranks but nonetheless, very high. Please consider taking up this character as he will be a very important character within the roleplay.
This is what I'm talking about.


Don't Panic
Feb 23, 2009
  • Name - Alexis Reid
  • Age - 27
  • Gender - Female
  • Personality - Obviously, she's open minded. She can think of ideas other seem to miss. She's calculating and stern, but rarely is she cruel though she may give that impression to some. http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt19/TheBabeList/konishi01.jpg
  • Appearance - Long wavy blonde hair reaches the small of her--you know what screw it, have a pic (click)
  • Ability - Can read minds when she chooses so, and can influence other's minds.
  • Side - Neutral
  • God - Mind
  • Nationality - I dunno...can she be a brit?
  • Other - Made it a girl since there's more dudes then chicks.


Bronze Member
Feb 12, 2007
Gluttony, Cure, Pride, Death and Conflict are all open.
Jan 22, 2007
Cambodia, harvesting all the orphans I can.
Sorry if anything isn't ok. I'd be willing to change anything that isn't right. ;o

Name: Aiden Roberts

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Aiden grew up in a family of high status. Spoiled rotten as a child, Aiden grew up believing he was better than the world. As horrible as this sounds, Aiden had room to gloat and be prideful. In most cases though, when being proud of his power or skill, he excelled in the area he was prideful in. It almost seemed as if Aiden could be or do anything. Most things came extremely quickly and easy to him growing up. Things just clicked quicker in his head than it did with most people. With this, Aiden became a very prideful and self-centered person.

Appearance: Aiden stands at 6’5, most of his body being made up of his long, thin legs. He weighs around 155 punds. His skin is a light peach complexion, with little to no blemishes. He has perfect skin, in a sense. His hair is a deep orange color, representing his pride, and rests just below his shoulders. His eyes, appear to be black, but with close examination, his eyes show a deep purple color, much like the dark center of a storm. Aiden wears a casual form-fitting suit most of the time, as he has to keep up with is family’s company.

Ability: Aiden has an innate capability. He’s able to naturally have skills and knowledge through learning. Aiden’s mind retains information ten times over the normal person, taking just one look over before knowing exactly how something works. This ability has helped Aiden excel in life, and enhance his pride.

Side: Bad

God: Pride

Nationality: Caucasian/American

Other: Aiden has a plethora of skills and knowledge, seeing as how his power enables this, and 23 years is quite a long time to gather knowledge and skills. This just further enhances how prideful and self-centered he is.
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Oct 11, 2007
Name Travis Royal
Age: 24

Gender: Male


In a nutshell, Travis is an arrogant, selfish, asshole, who can care less about anybody else in the world. He usually likes to work alone, but when he is forced to work in a group atmosphere he raises hell. Bickering with most of the people in the group as well as repeating the line “I’m the only one needed in this group”. Most people whisper about how Greedy Travis is and he actually like that title. A man with his wealth and status should be greedy and everything in this world should be his. Everything he wants he gets and there’s no expectation in his eyes. If he can’t have it, Travis mind wanders into destroying whatever it is. He hasn’t taken any action yet, but if he was psycho analyzed the doctor would put him in a mental institution.


Travis stands at a fairly tall height of 6’2 with short black hair. The hair sits cozily on top of his head in the style of a dark caesar, but is rarely seen due to his navy blue polo cap he wears on his head. The cap sports the polo sign in the middle of it and Travis wears it halfway on his head, so that the whole back of his head is covered and most of the top, but leaves a little portion of the front open. Travis has a caramel skin color with a little goatee type thing going on. His bright green eyes is the most distinguishable feature of his face, since it stands out the most on his face and it seems like their peering directly into your soul. In both Travis ears he has a diamond stud earring.

The clothes Travis wears are quite simple, he has a white t-shirt which is covered by a dark black jacket which he leaves open at all times. The jacket consists of two pockets; one on each of their respectable sides and pocket on the inside where Travis keeps his phone. On both of Travis’s forearms he has gotten a Greed tattoo which he feels fits his personality nicely. Greed Tattoo The bottom half of Travis wardrobe is consist of dark blue straight leg jeans which he cuffs to fit over his dark black sneakers.


All Mines: Travis ability consists of him taking anything in the world he wants using his brain. If he thinks about something he wants it shall appear in his hand in an instant. The only setback to this little ability is that once something is taken, someone from the world loses that possession. *For example if Travis walks past a store and see’s a pair of sneakers he wants, he can take it, but a person who has a pair of the sneakers, loses it.* Not like Travis cares anyway.

God: Greed

Side: Bad

Nationality: American

Occupation: Thief and College Student

Other: Travis works as a full time thief, taking orders from no one. He is infamous around the world, stealing masterpiece paintings such as the Mona Lisa and jewelry that was supposed to be given to high ranking officials like the President. Due to this Travis has allocated a vast amount of money and possessions and could be considered one of the richest people in the United States.


Thats okay. Can I just stick with friendship then? It goes best with my character anyways.

Yeah, that's fine.

Name: Rhia Disantha

Age: 26

Female: Female

Personality: Soft spoken and kind hearted. Rhia enjoys the quite things in life. She will be found with a smile on her face. She is very down to earth. But her ways seems to get her into strife that she is babies the people around her as her Mother side takes over. She enjoys living like her children (humanity) do, she never abuses the abilities forcing things to grow, but enjoys the waiting for what can come and the hard work for the lead up. This isnt just reflected when it comes to plants, she is very patient when it comes to the gods listening but never ofering her advice unless it is asked for.

Appearance: Her short blond spiky hair highlighted with white is complimented by her honey brown eyes. Slender but short for her age, Rhia is normally found with an oversized sun hat and floral dress or white dress. Her white skin glows with no blemishes. Her intelligent but down to earth nature allows her to befriend people easy but she is normally found observing others with a keen mind.


Nature: She can allow the buds of flowers to open; she can water roots without the touch. She can make a tree grow from the tiniest of seeds in a few minutes. She can become apart of nature if she needs to watching the world sharing the body of a tree or flower. Nature also can speak to her, telling her what is going around in the school.

Healing: Rhia is able to heal the physical wounds of another no matter how terrible they are. With a soft touch skin can rebound without a trace of a scar or scab.

Side: Neutral

God: Life

Nationality: British

Other: She is the school gardener, taking care of the plants and trees of the campus. She interacts with the good and bad gods often as she has “spies” everywhere

Hope thats okay, i will post when i know this character has been accpeted or not :D

Great Opening posts everyone too

Yeppers, your [ACCEPTED]

This is what I'm talking about.

Thanks for clearing that up :)

  • Name - Alexis Reid
  • Age - 27
  • Gender - Female
  • Personality - Obviously, she's open minded. She can think of ideas other seem to miss. She's calculating and stern, but rarely is she cruel though she may give that impression to some. http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt19/TheBabeList/konishi01.jpg
  • Appearance - Long wavy blonde hair reaches the small of her--you know what screw it, have a pic (click)
  • Ability - Can read minds when she chooses so, and can influence other's minds.
  • Side - Neutral
  • God - Mind
  • Nationality - I dunno...can she be a brit?
  • Other - Made it a girl since there's more dudes then chicks.

That's fine, [ACCEPTED]


Oct 11, 2007
Why thank you, that was quick. Your [ACCEPTED] So feel free to post whenever you see fit :)


Bronze Member
Feb 12, 2007
Thats great RB, but Judgment only called forth the Neutral gods and besides your Pride so you shouldn't have no recollection of anything besides your human life.
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