Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Not sure if I read it directly, but at the very least I made the assumption that if it wasn't confirmed as canon then it was going to be non-canon.
Why yes I do, I used it to make this account.
Its noahweiss13@yahoo.com, but I never go on it, I just have it for accounts.
I dont really like how the cartridge saves onto the cartridge, I prefer a memory card, so that if I trade a game i can keep the data, or if I lose the game I will still have the data instead of having to beat it again. So yeah I like the DVD-ROM.
No, the PS2 is my favorite system!
It has the best games, and they still make games for it! More than the PS3.
Yeah I only need a ps3, other than that I have every gaming system
What systems do you have?
Ah, well it looks really good. I cant wait to get it.
I have the Virtual SNES built into my Wii if that counts...
Ok, so are you getting The Legand of Zelda Spirit Tracks for the DS? Im getting it tomorrow when it comes out