It's so wonderful I forgot I even had glide available to use
wait... there's a Theatrhythm demo?
So I downloaded Theatrhythm first and played it so I could build up the hype for when I played KH3D. Both are good, but KH3D is awesome!!
I've gotten the endings where Meow Wow rolls around in the 5th and 1st district, and the link portal names I got were Tidus, Vivi, Shantotto and Laguna.
What do you guys think of the new dream eater names, I know Hockomonkey has already been discussed, but what do you guys think of Kooma Panda's name?
Oh and the names of some items are pretty cool too - Ice Dream Cone. I've also gotten balloons, water barrels and shield cookies. I'm really quirky when it comes to item names!
whats a link portal and whats this I hear about final fantasy names?
(I knew NOTHING about the battle system or enemy names prior to playing the English demo just so you know)
Sign here if, when you accessed the tutorial mode, you felt nostalgic during the Ursula battle. ;~;
*signs and drops a tear*
I kind of understa- no I don't, still have no idea what you just said. I no NOTHING about khddd gameplay-wise, only what I saw in the demo and I didn't see a link portal.There are two kinds of Link Portals: Battle Portals where you are challenged with defeating set Dream Eaters with a set of limitations like a time limit, can only take so much damage, etc. and if you complete it you get rare items and sometimes synthesis materials for the Dream Eaters themselves.
The other kinds are Friend Portals which give you a pre-made set of Dream Eaters you can use temporarily to aid you in battle. The FF names are the names on the pre-made portals. Like I got "Tidus' portal." That is all. You can also Streetpass them with other people.
Well I wanted to see what would happen when you let your dream eater's HP reach zero. Meow Wow got knocked out first and so you have to go and press "A" to revive him, and then one second later Kooma Panda "died" and it says "Kooma Panda is in trouble. Quickly press A to revive him" or something like that.I didn't realize they had his name in it :/ It's the same as Hockomonkey. They chose to translate half of the name and just leave the other half in its Japanese name. Kuma means Bear.
I kind of understa- no I don't, still have no idea what you just said. I no NOTHING about khddd gameplay-wise, only what I saw in the demo and I didn't see a link portal.
Well I wanted to see what would happen when you let your dream eater's HP reach zero. Meow Wow got knocked out first and so you have to go and press "A" to revive him, and then one second later Kooma Panda "died" and it says "Kooma Panda is in trouble. Quickly press A to revive him" or something like that.
Finally got around to it and recorded the boss:
You should have let him destroy the roofThat is the best part haha. But this was great video, the quality is quite good.
Thanks. I just wanted to get this up so I didn't rerecord or anything.