Overall, I'm really loving everything we've been shown and Willa Holland returning to voice Aqua, oh yes I am very much pleased like honestly she suits Aqua very well.
~Moreover, I really love e hybrid gameplay system, for example how Aqua still retains her abilities (double-flight, cartwheel, barrier, air glide, an improved version of her BbS finisher implemented in her amazing combos, shotlocks, command styles (\^0^/), etc...), it's her style of fighting which makes her a force to be reckoned with I mean c'mon, that magic though.
One thing I'm looking forward to is if we have more command styles other then Spell Weaver, like Firestorm, Diamond Dust, Thunder Bolt, Blade Charge, Sky Climber, Rhythm Mixer, or even Frozen Fortune (lol). But if we won't get all those, one other command style exclusive to Aqua, which in my opinion is her best or just really strong in general, that I would want is Ghost Drive. Put that one in as well and we're set

. Just imagine how it'll look.
And anyone feel that D-links could return, I mean most likely not but still. Sure it wasn't really game changing, other than another way to heal when Curaga wasn't ready, but it was a nice little touch to the game.
And oh boy, the last few scenes with Aqua at the end of the demo, all the feels ;-;. The Realm of Darkness is really affecting her.