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Is Days Really a Bad Game?


Is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days a bad game in terms of General games?

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New member
Aug 27, 2005
the lone Light within the Darkness
it was interesting getting some people's perspective on my first topic about Riku's Keyblade.

This time I want to take a look at 358/2 Days. This time the question I have is, is it really that bad a game? in terms of games in general, do people find it to be a bad game? or just in terms of KH games?

Yes the graphics aren't too good, and it has a repetitive nature to it, but I really liked it for the most part. Don't get me wrong, it's not nearly as good as most of the others, but it's not terrible. I said most of the games because compared to RE:Coded, it's completely brilliant. Half the time in that game it didn't feel like I was playing KH, the data and techno look to it made it really out of place. also unlike that game Days needs to be played to understand stuff. the only important parts of RE:coded were the end and secret video. This is more of an emotional journey, everything building up and all that happens to Roxas were what fueled him to leave and continue the series. had he not left we never know if Riku would have caught him, thus KH2 would have been completely different, as they still would have their key to obtaining as many hearts as possible. probably even double with Sora doing it at the same time.

I find it to be fun and interesting how the different keyblades change up the way Roxas attacks. The panel system is neat and really makes you think how to equip yourself, and only beat by to Chain of Memories, it's clever and very tough how it makes you equip yourself. although most "new" enemies are rehashed from previous games' enemies, there are a few new and cool looking ones such as the Ruler of the Sky.

It defiantly answered a lot of questions such as, "Why did Roxas leave the Organization in the first place?" and "Why was Axel surprised that Roxas took out 2 keyblades in his battle in KH2?" lol. I really liked how each world had alot of places to explore. Agrabah had the general 4 areas in the town, then the desert ruins and new areas of the Cave of wonders. And a big plus, it was a step forward with Neverland having actual land and outside Skull Rock

And I can't forget mission mode! that was a brilliant feature that the developers REALY used their heads on. They knew if there was going to be a game focusing on Roxas' time in the Organization, they would have to make them playable somehow. And it shows they ut effort into it. giving them all a number of weapons, and their own abilities and stats.

Plus I absolutely love Xion's end. That was one of, if not the deepest moment in KH so far. Roxas' closest friend, the first person "she" talked to, basically dies in his arms.

Overall it's not that bad of a game it has it's moments, they put alot of effort into it, and it's actually important to the series. I think it's a good game


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

Well considering 358/2days was the game that got me back into the series I loved it :) Yea sure the graphics were bad, it was kinda repetitive, im sure theres other cons I left out....I thought it was a pretty enjoyable game. Although the game did have its pros and cons, I think that it had so much potential to be better than what it already was.
Well thats all I have to say about that :)


New member
Aug 27, 2005
the lone Light within the Darkness
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

Well considering 358/2days was the game that got me back into the series I loved it :) Yea sure the graphics were bad, it was kinda repetitive, im sure theres other cons I left out....I thought it was a pretty enjoyable game. Although the game did have its pros and cons, I think that it had so much potential to be better than what it already was.
Well thats all I have to say about that :)

Lol ok Forrest gump hahaha. Jk but thanks for your opinion. Lol
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

It was the first game of the series I played, and I loved the emotion and friendship it showed, as well as how different the organization members were. A little repetitive, but I feel that helped show when something was off- when they weren't all eating ice cream together. So I liked it.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

okay, the only thing i disliked about the game was roxas's famous ice cream line, i was on the verge of tears before he said that and i had this face, *-*,till xion dissapearded but having the final boss be super easy was great and the overall game was great! espically how you could resee cutscenes again!
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

okay, the only thing i disliked about the game was roxas's famous ice cream line, i was on the verge of tears before he said that and i had this face, *-*,but having the final boss be super easy was great and the overall game was great! espically how you could resee cutscenes again!
I cried so much at that line, though! It tied back to the beginning of the game and their definition of friendship, as well as showing how... "innocent", for lack of a better word, they were. Axel basically told him friend=person you have ice cream with. He was asking who else would be his friend... That's another thing I liked. I was a little disappointed at how easily I took down Riku compared to Xion, though...


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

well, the first thing that went through my mind was, his best friend is dying and thats all hes worrid about? but i later put that connection in. and hey, i have yet to beat kh1 due to the final bosses diffucilty, so having an easy last boss was great!XD


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

This thread is officially the only place in the forums where the number of people who like Days (at present) is great than the number of people who don't.

I'm home. :'D

As a general game, especially for the DS, I would say Days is brilliant. I'm not all that versed in the video game world, however, so my perspective is pretty skewed; KH is really the only series I follow with any diligence. Days has a well constructed, emotionally involved plot with strong characters to carry it, which, I think, is fairly standard for the KH series. Continuity aside, that may be why existing KH fans have often derided it as a cheap side-story fare, while those introduced to the KH series by it appear to find it absorbing and creative. It has hard competition when viewed in comparison to other installments in the serial. Even so, it's more thoughtful and impassioned than a great deal (I would say a fair majority) of video game media and I find it a particularly resonating chapter in the continuity of the Kingdom Hearts universe. Along with Chain of Memories, it's my favorite game in the series. :3


The Scotsman
Jun 1, 2008
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

I have mixed feelings about Days... I like the game as a whole. Was it the strongest? Hell no. I thought Re: Coded was stronger story wise and that is sad. Days made me start to care a little about the characters just to take them away, or I already knew that X amount of the Org. was going to die, so the story meant nothing to me in a few ways. I also thought the game became incredibly unbalanced in quite a few of the challenge modes. I was good enough to beat the toughest monsters but my attacks hardly ever did anything or the bosses were so OP that I could never win. Other than that I thought it was decent. The story itself was good, just couldn't really let myself care about the characters I knew would not exist any longer. I also felt that playing as the rest of the organization members was incredibly unsatisfying. They were either too weak or too dang slow. Plus I didn't like the fighting mechanic in any of the hand held games to be honest. It never felt like the characters were hitting the heartless. In KH1 and 2 I realize they had way more to work with as far as game size but still it bothered me that it felt almost unfinished with the sound effects being great to lack luster and the combat was too flimsey

over all it was well, okay


New member
Aug 15, 2011
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

Okay game. I tolerated it, but didn't at all like the Org members' attacks and specials. It didn't do justice for what was shown of their true abilities in KH2FM.


New member
Aug 27, 2005
the lone Light within the Darkness
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

Ok let's go down the line lol.

First those who commented about the ice cream line. Also don't forget that he has VERY limited knowledge, only from what he was told by the Oganization.

Second, I feel the story was better, at least from the perspective of, we know these people go, but what exactly led up to this point. And even though it is short, we learn why those members of The Organization were at CO in the first place. And in terms of Xion's existence, yes we knew "she" would no longer exist by the end, but the point of the whole story wasn't to get to that point and feel sad about it, it was to go through the journey and experience everything Roxas went through, and feel what he felt, being used as a pawn by the Orgaization, having only two people he can trust, finding only one person to have alot in common with, and fight along side them alot. In a way the story itself was clever.

Third, because it was on the DS, (which I'll admit, I can't stand that they keep putting games on all these different platforms) but since it was on the DS, it was very limited in what it could do, but I found the Orgainzation member's attack to be true to them. Yes in KH2 FM, they were very powerful, but you can't expect the development team to give us all those powers and such because then they'd be too powerful, and by comparison, unlocking Mickey and Sora, would seem like complete stupidity, honestly would you want to play as sora if you could play as Marluxia with those floating exploding orbs, and giant thorned circles? Yeah no so much, but their stats were on spot, such as Lexeaus, high strength, defense, attack, chance for ciriticals, but very slow speed. Overall I feel it was good for what we got. It could have been a lot worse

Reagan Rayden

Exploding Man
Dec 29, 2005
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

Mickey's finishing combo move never works. There I said it.


New member
Feb 4, 2012
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

In general I really liked the game. It gave a pretty good background on Roxas and the Organization which was very helpful on tieing up some loose ends. Gameplay was good and even the graphics were pretty good (having pretty much close to ps2 KH graphics in the cutscenes). And to me it felt pretty deep to me, plus it showed us Ventus in a scene


Too many games too little time
Sep 15, 2011
Mesa, AZ
Re: Do YOU like this? #2

Well, the only cutscenes that were near-PS2 quality were the pre-rendered ones; in-game cutscenes, while nice, were more like early to mid-PS1 level.

That said, I did enjoy the game. Although I still think the panel system is a bit odd (though it's obvious that it is a precursor to the Command system), the music was converted wondrously. The maps were repetitive, as were the missions. But I feel it was a good background on the Organization, at the very least.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Okay, but tilting to the "good" side. For some reason, I really disliked it the first time around. I think the differences between it and the others in the series in terms of continuity are the major turn-offs for fans. Somewhat like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
It's a bad Kingdom Hearts game, but it is still a good video game, if that makes sense. I do enjoy it, just not in comparison to other entries in the series.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
New York
Days had its moments, and overall it was fairly enjoyable, but it's not up to par with the other games in the series in my opinion. I feel like the story could have been told in a better format, and I'm still disappointed that we didn't find out all that much about Organization members other than Roxas, Axel, and Xion (well, we got a little bit of Saix, Xigbar, and Xemnas, but not as much as I was expecting/hoping). The story had a lot of heart, though (no pun intended), and Roxas is my favorite character, so playing as him again was enjoyable.

Yeah, I'm rambling now, but you get the point. :p

Master Critter

New member
Jan 4, 2012
Waverly, IL
The gameplay was all right, despite the fact that I have to replay a mission over and over for a side quest. The story's good (though I haven't played the whole game and I just watch YouTube for the cutscenes), as expected from the series.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
generaly somewhere online
Personally, I don't think it lived up to the hype. Fans were hungry for more of the Org and well, we just didn't get what we wanted. Days was supposed to be the Crisis Core of Kingdom Hearts, Nomura even directly compared them in an interview, and that's what I was expecting. I think that what a lot of people were expecting.

Was is a bad game? Well, I'd have to say yes. It began promisingly enough, but it really started dragging and I only finished it out of sheer stubbornness. When playing starts to feel like a chore, it's not a good game.


New member
Feb 7, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
I didn't play Days until about a week ago, and I thought it was *great*, but not *excellent* or *amazing*.

Things I liked:
-Emotional, deeply-involved story that explained a very crucial part of the timeline
-Xion (yes, I liked Xion and her role)
-Learning more about the Organization and its members. Also, quality time with Luxord.
-The battle system. I liked how it emulated the PS2 KH's with a sort of inventory management system that allowed you to mix and match proficiencies.
-MAGIC. Magic was BOSS in Days if you made it your focus. The first KH game where playing a Pure Mage is totally viable, looking beyond Reflect in KH2.
-Graphics and Music. Both were great, although hearing all of the same Disney world tunes got old fast. It's the DS, people, and one of the best looking 3D games on that platform.

Things I didn't like:
-Music. As mentioned above, the tunes got old really fast.
-Backtracking. Easily the worst part of this game, imo. The missions were a good idea given the game's portable nature, but returning to worlds over and over and over really got to be a chore, especially when I didn't like the world (Wonderland). Hell, even Twilight Town got old.
-Difficulty. The game wasn't too hard or too easy, but there were random difficulty spikes where one enemy would be able to stun-lock and kill you. Not cool. Happened ~8 or 10 times throughout the game.
-Very slow beginning.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game and would probably give it an 8/10. It wasn't the best series entry by any means, but it told a very crucial story and definitely got me back into my series obsession.
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