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Is Days Really a Bad Game?


Is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days a bad game in terms of General games?

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El Coqu?

General ShinyMog here!
Dec 26, 2007
in my backyard laying down on the grass
I think I can sum up how everyone feels very easily.

Gameplay: less than you would hope
Storyline: amazing!!!

While you would play most KH games for both gameplay AND story you should pretty much only play 358/2 Days for the storyline it holds which is a really freaking good storyline.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
being chocolate brown
the only important parts of RE:coded were the end and secret video.

Dude think about what just said. The build up is less important than the ending? That's like saying the only important part of Day is When Roxas and Riku fight, or like the only important part of CoM is Sora going to sleep it the pod. The way they get their is just or even more important than the ending. Just saying.
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Dude think about what just said. The build up is less important than the ending? That's like saying the only important part of Day is When Roxas and Riku fight, or like the only important part of CoM is Sora going to sleep it the pod. The way they get their is just or even more important than the ending. Just saying.
Actually, it wasn't really needed to build it up to there, technically, and in Days and CoM, important plot relevant things happen in the course as well. In ReCoded, Sora forgets everything after he saves the journal world, then he goes to the Castle and finaly talks to Namine in the end about important stuff. It's practically unconnected to the rest of the game, if not for mentions about how Namine had bugged the journal and Sora saved it. All the plot relevance from that game is supposedly what Data Namine reveals.

Unless the other Riku is Data Riku or something.

I might be wrong, though, that's just how I see it.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
In my own world..
Overall Days wasn't a bad game it just kinda lagged when concering the repitive gamplay and sometimes dubious (if not slighty crappy) graphics, but it was an early DS game, so what can you expect?

Plot-wise I found it rather touching. Filling all those little gaps about how Roxas came to join the Organisation and why he ultimately left, befriending Axel, Xion's suprising influence over future events (ie Roxas) and of course the infamous "ice cream" line. I understand the potency of that line, but still, it was an "unusual" line to say at that moment. XD

Plot: 9/10


New member
Aug 27, 2005
the lone Light within the Darkness
Dude think about what just said. The build up is less important than the ending? That's like saying the only important part of Day is When Roxas and Riku fight, or like the only important part of CoM is Sora going to sleep it the pod. The way they get their is just or even more important than the ending. Just saying.

I know what I said and I meant it. Days told a lot, including reasons why certain organization members took to certain worlds, why Roxas can duel wield, why he left the organization in the first place, etc. all building up character development for everyone from Roxas to axel to Saix. With Re:Coded, there is NO POINT to having it, when the 2 characters who have any development are data characters who will more then likely never been included in a game again. So the game was pointless, it was all just a way to get a game out and to set up KH3d and KH3 and by pointless I mean the game until the end has no effect on the series. So if you play through the series in a week, in chronological order, but in between Kh2 and 3d you play a game of solitaire, then snap back to KH and look up the ending and secret video to Re:Coded, that's pretty much the same thing cuz literally one sentence could sum up what RE:Coded's game play is..."they decipher the journal and then..." the end!

Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
I'm so-so about it. The story was really something, and it had the right amount of difficulty. However, it could have been so much more in terms of gameplay, like we could've gotten to use some of the Org's abilities beyond the Limit Breaks. We also weren't informed of the relationship between the lesser Nobodies and the Organization XIII members. We also could have learned a little bit more about who numbers 9-12 used to be before their Nobody personas came into being.

However, the way the Organization treated Roxas and his friends wasn't at all out of character, and I could truly see why Roxas wanted to leave the Organization besides Xion.

Overall, Days could have been better, but it at least had a decent story.


Mar 12, 2012
I don't think it's a bad game from what I've seen on walkthroughs. Unfortunately I don't own the game myself, but when I get my paycheck I will definitely buy it. (and a new charger for my DS. It's been lost for over 2 years now)
I just watched the ending again and damn it left me speachless.


Bronze Member
Nov 12, 2008
Shadow on the Sun.
It's great if you can handle the change of pace and switch from stremlined world to a hub-based mission style play. I do suggest it for both story and gameplay. Then come on, you get to play as your favorite Org members, even donald, mickey, and goofy?

Key Wielder

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Traverse Town
I enjoyed the game, both as a KH game and in general. The gameplay wasn't fantastic, in my opinion, and I wasn't a huge fan of the panel system. On the other hand, the story was good and gives some insight, I think, into the kind of character Xemnas is (as odd as that sounds). For example, he had Roxas to gather hearts and Sora would stay asleep as long as Roxas didn't return to him; if AtW did figure out that he needed Roxas to wake Sora up, Xion could absorb him, make that impossible, and he would still have someone to collect hearts; if that didn't work out, he could trick Sora into gathering the hearts for him (which is ultimately what he did). So I thought that while the friendship story was very enjoyable, it also indirectly served to give us more information about Xemnas's character on top of it, as well as other Organization members.
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New member
Apr 2, 2012
I did not play Coded since this game seemed really pointless.

But Days has been the ONLY Kingdom Hearts game I took no pleasure playing. That's mean to say, I know, but that's how I feel.

I was bored from A to Z :/ ... The story seemed... I don't know, it's probably because of the pace of the story telling, but it seemed extremely dull and meaningless for the most part. Of course it had great parts, but they were not enough (for me) to make the whole game bearable.

I also hated the gameplay, the graphics :/ ... (Chain of Memories was SO BEAUTIFUL, I don't tolerate 3D when it looks 10 times worse than 2D), music was great, the story felt forced in many places even though it had nice moments (like the ending)...

I really forced myself to finish it. I don't see how people not interested in KH could like it since the story telling was extremely mediocre, and the overall game was incredibly repetitive and thus; boring.

Needless to say BBS and DDD make this one feel like it's a real disaster. But maybe it's not, and maybe Osaka team is just THAT good.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
I find Days quite enjoyable. Really, I found the story very touching and emotional. Days was the game that showed Organization XIII from the inside (And accept it, we ALL wanted to know more about Organization XIII). Also, I think Days is the game in all the series until now that showed the most antivalues, and I left me with a feeling that inside the Organization they were really NOBODIES without hearts, which is something that in other games (CoM, KH2) didn't left me like in this one and I consider that as a very good thing... The suffer and loneliness of Roxas and Xion made me shake like in no Kingdom Hearts game (except, maybe BbS). I have never cried with a Kingdom Hearts game (I nearly never cry), but in the ending of this game, I was stunned and I almost cry, which was a very powerful feeling and made me love that game much more! In summary, Days was an incredible game in terms of story and emotional touchs it had.

In respect to the gameplay, I think it wasn't so good as other games of the series. The panel system was fun and dynamic. But the fights in-field didn't fill me so much as the other Kingdom Hearts games. I find it a very good battle system for being in a DS. In that aspect, I think Re:Coded had a better fighting system, in fact, for being in the DS I think it's awesome.

Also, I have to say the mission system was a very good idea, because it made you feel like time was really passing by! And, considering this game happened in a very long gap of time, I can't think of a better idea. But, of course, sometimes the missions were repetitive and some Heartless were really maddening, however, the attraction of the story made me not to care about those things hahaha.

Finally, for the ones who think that Days had bad graphics... Have you EVER compared Days graphics with other DS games?! Some games doesn't even have 3D graphics... I know lots of games for the DS and I really can say the Kingdom Hearts series has the very BEST graphics for the DS (Re:Coded a little better than Days)... Even Golden Sun (that is known for its good graphics) doesn't match Days graphics... Think a little, guys, we are talking about a Nintendo DS, not a PS2 or a Wii...


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
I have a love/hate relationship with Days, mostly because I have a love/hate relationship with Xion (I do like her, but there are aspects of that makes me want to whack her over the head with her Keyblade; I won't get into that though, as this thread isn't about Xion). I like the game, but I also find it to be completely unnecessary. See, KH2 already explained why Roxas left the Organization (Roxas never knew about his origins, got PO'd by it and left because he wanted to meet Sora; Riku said as much to Sora: "I think he left the Organization because he really wanted to meet you.") and duel-wielding isn't really a big enough issue to need an entire game to explain it, nor did it need Xion to exist for duel-wielding to be possible.

And yeah, the missions were rather repetitive. Some were fun, others were just ugh (I also want to know why the Org decided to explore worlds that they never actually used for their purpose; why did they go to Wonderland? To collect Heartless? Then why not also go to other worlds with Heartless as well, like Traverse Town? Why didn't we see them set up for some events in KH2, like what Xigbar did in the Land of Dragons, or what Luxord did in Port Royal? The list goes on...). Loved the panel system, even if it was frustrating sometimes. xD

Also, while I felt the derailing of Roxas' friendships sad, I found his codependency that magically disappeared in KH2 rather annoying. At the end of Days, he was still heavily clinging to the friendships he had. In KH2, while his friends (HPO) were the source of his happiness in Twilight Town, he wasn't dependent on them. He clung to them, but they didn't define his every action like his friendships in Days did (example: At the end of Days, Roxas was fighting for his existence, it was all for the sake of seeing Xion again; at the end of his story in KH2, Roxas was fighting for his existence, not for his friends' sakes, but for his own).

The scrip was pretty good too, and graphics weren't half bad for a DS game.

Overall, it's a good game, but it's one of the weaker game plots of the series (not the weakest, though; that title goes to RE:Coded).
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Keyblade Master
Mar 2, 2010
Twilight Town
Reika, I disagree. A lot of things in KH2 were left unexplained in addition to duel-weilding. They didnt really need to explain Axel switching sides too much, but Days helped with that. There was the whole thing about only the keyblade being able to free the hearts imprisoned in Heartless. I agree about Roxas and his development, but a lot of subtle gaps were filled in. More than I can think of off the top of my head, anyway.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
So Cal
I am surprised that I hadn't responded to this thread. I have a love and hate thing for this game as well. The whole thing deals with Xion since they gave her too much exposure. I feel she was added because Sqaure Enix wanted to eliminate the Axel and Roxas love thing. So they did a good job with that. Even though Axel explained that Roxas and him are best friends having Xion in this mix separates that notion of happening cannonly. I thank them for that.

I feel the organization was more in the shadows and sidelines than Xion and Roxas. I know it is about Roxas and his time in the organization, but Xion took too much of the spotlight and we learn a little bit of the organization, but not everything we would like to know. It would of been nice to know who their trues were. Who said what in the diary without the hints and the guessing game. Some of the other members such as the CO members only had one or two missions with Roxas and that seem to short. The camera was annoying and so were some of the bosses. Even some of the challenges were super hard. We didn't see all of the lesser nobodies except the dusks and the samurai and makes one wonder where the heck they were.

The muliplayer was fun to work with as choosing any character you want. The game is deceiving because the opening it shows all of the organization members, and makes you think the story will envolve around all of them and how Roxas gets along with the organization, but it only spotlights only a few of them when you actually play the game. Sure Roxas interacts with them, and they go on missions, but some of them are forced. I think it would of be nice option to choose which characters or characters you wanted to go out on mission together. It would of been nice if you could spar or fight with them. Missions are fine, but they also are fighters and I think they should of expressed that in this game. Also they also should of inteacted together like Axel speaking with Demyx and other members besides Roxas and Xion or even Saix all the time. Axel defended Demyx with Roxas called him useless I feel they should stop hiding in the dark and tell them that they have history. We do in fact see them sitting in the same lounge area later on. Why was Axel gone for a number of days in CO and what was he doing? Those things don't get explained.

At least Xenmas and Saix had some interaction. Axel had a tiny bit interaction with Saix and I feel Demyx should of had interaction with both of them. He hates Saix and it would of been nice if they explored that. With Axel I liked how they kept his aggressive nature with confronting Xion and knocking her out. Some some rifts between him and Roxas was good for his character. But having Demyx as one of his friends seems more appealing to me rather than Xion. I believe that he was actually one of his friends in his earlier life.

Luxord and Roxas in Wonderland was fun and I am glad they got time to hang out. There are other things, but I can't think of anything other that glad they had Roxas fighting for his existance. The confrontation between Riku was beautifully executed as well.


Silver Member
Jun 2, 2006
United States
Not really. I really enjoyed it more than Re: coded. I think it just depends on what you're into and if the storyline and the control system is something that interests you. I do admit that it is lower on the ranks of the games, however if you're up for something entirely different (well, it was to me) than what is in previous games, you will enjoy it.

I think the mission system, while it got tedious at times, was a fun addition to the series. I would have rather it been on a console system though.

I thought the game was pretty fun and I wouldn't stop until I beat it. It's replay-abilitiy is kinda lacking though.

Eternal Dream

The Messenger
Dec 12, 2006
Running for daylight, sleepless...
Game play? Kind of repetitive, but it's still enjoyable, for the most part. Story? I really enjoyed it, although, like several other people, I wish there'd been a little more interaction and exploration with the rest of the Organization. Days hits the number four spot on my KH ranks, a rather enjoyable game, but not the crown jewel of the series.
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