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Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/original of the series?

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New member
Jun 22, 2010
I haven't played Kingdom Hearts I since 2003, so I recently bought it on eBay and it should be coming here within a week. Now I'm wondering if it's worth the time, wait, and money ($10 + $3 shipping) to get it. I plan on playing the game on the hardest difficulty, along with completing all the side quests.

I really enjoyed the game when I was 13, but there isn't any other Kingdom Hearts game to keep me entertain for a while. I thought about getting Re:CoM, but I figured there wouldn't be a point because I played the GBA version and plus I didn't like the battle system very much. I did one playthrough of Days, BBS, CoM...Two playthroughs of Kingdom Hearts II and it doesn't provide any replay value for me to play it again.

Now I'm hoping this experience will be like the first time I discovered Kingdom Hearts back when it was first announced. Those were the good times, but I hope it doesn't turn sides on me and I won't be disappointed because of nostalgia. I'm trying to convince myself this was actually a good game, rather not the nostalgia feeling that's contributing to it. Oh well, only time will tell.


A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

I can honestly say...still the best game in the damn series. I'm replaying it myself since monday and it hasn't given me that "this isn't as good as it was back then" feeling. That's just my opinion though. :X

Hamster Lord

Atrocity Exhibition
Sep 27, 2008
Neo Kobe City
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

It is good. The gameplay is a little slower than the other titles. but it doesn't suck. the story actually makes sense


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Transvers-I Mean The World That Never Was
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

It is good. The gameplay is a little slower than the other titles. but it doesn't suck. the story actually makes sense

once you start playing it after learning of the stuff in BBS though it gets crazy, I actually started connecting just a ton of Random things this playthrough, like the voice that follows Sora in the SOC and outside the DTD


Climb The Sky
Dec 28, 2008
the Wired
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

No, its actually a good game.

The nostalgia factor does add to it, but even without it, it would still be a good game.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

As a KH title, it's easily one of the best in the series, if not the best. As a game, it's pretty good.


galactic cancer
May 17, 2007
The Land of Sand and Prisms
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

It's a better challenge gameplay-wise and the story is a bit more fun to watch unfold.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

It's definitely worth replaying. The story is great. And the gameplay is simple to understand, but challenging to play at parts. Which makes it more fun.

Although I admit the nostalgia does add to the experience of replaying KH1


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

Best game in the series imo.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

It is still a game that lack its 'equivalent' since in the series. As Kingdom Hearts did have elements that were a bit flawed, they all worked with each other in equal concessions. It was varied and it never got tiring. Since then, Chain of Memories leaned more to the story, KH2 more to the combat whilst Days, Birth by Sleep and Re:Coded never really got that balance right since. It is pretty much all, with some games like Days have little varied structure.

Nothing will ever beat Kingdom Hearts is all I believe. I'm not saying the others are bad (well, three out of six are bad, that being KH2, Days and Re:Coded), but rather I given up hope on that varied balance that KH1 had.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

i have to agree with everyone, kingdom hearts 1 is a great game. the fact that you've played all of the others and are now going back to play it just allows you to understand more of the story. ive beaten it (and all of the others) multiple times and i've never gotten tired of the story. if anything it just gets better because you can catch things you've never noticed


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

Thanks for the responses guys! When I first made this thread, I wasn't sure about my purchase. I don't know if this this illegal to say this, but I recently received some ganja and I'm gonna save it for next week when the game arrives. Now I can feel some excitement and butterflies in my stomach like when the game was first announced before it's release! It's gonna be quite an experience!


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

like the voice that follows Sora in the SOC and outside the DTD

Confirmed to be Mickey in the first Ultimania and referenced nicely in Re:Coded when Mickey spoke to D-Sora when the kid was going through the relevant events.

To add to what was already said, I can't say that it's my outmost favorite as I love both Re:Coded and CoM like woah (the focus being on the story is what got me in CoM, really), but certainly one of the best in the series. Part of why I love Re:Coded is that it recreated a similar 'feel' to what KH created, only minus some drama and with a lot more fanservice, bringing back a lot of what I missed since KH (SoRi broing it out, SDG, etc).
Though I can barely survive the camera now, I remember enjoying the game-play that first time, and the game as a whole felt magical. It still does upon a replay, and I can appreciate, as said before - the balance between the story-telling, the character development and interaction as well as their involvement in the overall plot (as opposed to other games where they're either detached or downright irrelevant) and the battle system as well, which despite being somewhat primitive in the series' standards, is still enjoyable and just the right amount of challenging to me (though lord knows how many people quit because they couldn't pass certain bosses >_>)


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Stuffed in a sack and being thrown through a magic
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

I know this'll sound really weird and stupid, but I really think every game in the series is magical in some way; each just has a different take or feel on it, or presents it in a different way. Kingdom Hearts 1 is a very good game. Yes, I think it's overrated. Yes, some of the controls are frinky. Yes, it's not very fast paced nor does it have extremely good graphics compared to now. But it's charming and good to drink in for your daily dose of nostalgia.
I think KH1 fulfills the magical aspect by tearing at our childhood memories with the use of Disney, which I know almost all of you watched. It's the only game in the series that incorporates Disney in the perfect way (in my opinion). Not only that, but there's that sense of wonder as you go along with Sora, seeing different worlds and conquering the darkness and all that goodness. I also felt that KH1 had a more dark atmosphere than the rest of them. Not with the events or story or anything, but just the feel of it. Like, when I was going through the End of the World for the first time, I got chills down my spine. It was weird; though, Yoko Shimomura's creepy music might have helped. But that's what I mean. I can't really explain it. Do any of you guys know what I'm talking about?
I can't say much for CoM, because I only played the PS2 remake.
KH2 was the first in the series that I played. I watched my sister play the first, but I didn't pick up a controller until this installment. KH2 brought in its magical feel, small compared to KH1's, with the bigness of the worlds and the more...bright atmosphere? With Sora in the first game, you knew that you were controlling an inexperienced (save for play sword fighting), young, and childish teen with a mighty weapon; it felt like you were accomplishing something big, you know? KH2 didn't slap that on the table. Instead in KH2 it seemed like you were controlling a more mature, experienced kid (and I'm not talking about the difficulty level). KH2 felt more open, and not as closed as the first. I can't explain that, either.
Days. Do I have to say more? No, but I'm going to anyways. Days had that same darker atmosphere as KH1, I felt, except a little more toned down. Though a lot of worlds were re-used it still felt fresh to me. At first I hated Xion and everything to do with her, especially that Deep Dive scene where she blabs to Riku. Roxas had a slightly different personality than his KH2 counterpart, and half of the Organization didn't even matter.
I now don't mind Xion that much. I don't want her revived in the next installments because I believe she'd just sit there and be a waste of pixels and space with sad music, but hey, that's just my opinion. Roxas was more whiny and stupid in Days; in KH2 it seemed he was more confident, smart, and willing to do whatever it took to find the answers. Here's an example:
Days Roxas: OMG! Where's Xion!? Oh, Axel, you're my best friend and all and you practically raised me, but that weird girl who can't do anything is more important. OMG! Who's Sora? I hafta go see him and ask him myself and risk my friendship with my best friend and have the whole Org. after me! OMG! What the hell am I doing here!? OMG! Who else will I eat ice cream with!?
KH2 Roxas: Man, I have weird dreams. Hmmm, I'll keep quiet about it for now and distract myself by hanging out with my friends. Well, who's Sora? And Kairi? Why am I here? And what's that Axel guy all about? I just wanna find out who I am. Oh, I'm Sora's other half? I don't want to merge back with him, but it's for the best.
You see what I mean?
Days had beautiful graphics for being on a DS. The missions were a little repetitive, but fun. The difficulty wasn't too low. I loved Axel, Riku, and most of the Org. But Roxas and Xion were a bunch of big nobody babies(no pun intended) who didn't consider others in their little escapee schedule. And the story wasn't the greatest. But these are just opinions, so don't hate, please.
Re:Coded. I didn't play that either. I can't say much about it.
Jokes aside, BBS was the best in the series compared to KH1 and 2. Gameplay was fun, characters were new and refreshing, story wasn't 100% like SRK's, the worlds were beautiful, some platformer elements were brought back (such as swimming), Malificent was slightly redeemed, Master Xehanort was my favorite villain in the series, the switch between characters was refreshing, the graphics were great, Vanitas had a sexy voice.
What more could I want?
The only downsides were some of the voice acting, with Willa Holland being a little bland and Jason Dohring being monotone a lot of the time. Jesse McCartney, Mark Hamill, etc were great. At first I didn't like Leonard Nimoy's portrayal of MX, but I grew to love it in the end. ;)
So, here's a rating based on the points above:
1st Place: KH1/BBS
2nd Place:KH2
Whatever last place is: Days.
To answer your original question: Yes. It's worth it. Think while you're playing that this is your first run-through and be extremely critical. That'll tell you if it disappoints, lol.
May 16, 2007
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

KH1 is a legitimately good game, but its problems are often overlooked or at least trivialized when compared to the other games.
So it is often unfairly put on a pedestal because of nostalgia goggles, but even with the flaws considered, you should have no problem enjoying the game again.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

KH1 is a legitimately good game, but its problems are often overlooked or at least trivialized when compared to the other games.

Probably. But it gets overlooked because it worked and fit in nicely with other elements. The fact is that beyond KH1, other elements have either been downplayed or became the main focus. Kingdom Hearts is a success because many elements felt exclusive that never been replicated. Walking on the rooftops of Traverse Town. Finding the Trinities. Freezing the Bubbles of Hollow Bastion (which I admit, I never found that out, so it was a nice little surprise). Or swinging rooftops.

Yes. Camera Control is a pain. Yes, the platforming wasn't polished enough. The problem is that so far in the series, that same direction hasn't been taken since. Instead they prioritise other elements such as Combat or Simple Platforming.

KH2 felt more open, and not as closed as the first. I can't explain that, either.

It felt wide and you have a big area to walk around in, but it wasn't more open than KH1. Open means complexity. Open is what I consider Deep Jungle or Agrabah. Compare Agrabah in KH1 to 2 and... well, the KH2 version did not have its nooks and crannies. Whilst in 1, there were quite a fair bit... plus that there were entrances accessed from the 'roof' that lead to the same area as say, walking through the normal entrance.

Kingdom Hearts is what I define... open.
May 16, 2007
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

Probably. But it gets overlooked because it worked and fit in nicely with other elements. The fact is that beyond KH1, other elements have either been downplayed or became the main focus. Kingdom Hearts is a success because many elements felt exclusive that never been replicated. Walking on the rooftops of Traverse Town. Finding the Trinities. Freezing the Bubbles of Hollow Bastion (which I admit, I never found that out, so it was a nice little surprise). Or swinging rooftops.

Yes. Camera Control is a pain. Yes, the platforming wasn't polished enough. The problem is that so far in the series, that same direction hasn't been taken since. Instead they prioritise other elements such as Combat or Simple Platforming.

I'm not strictly talking about gameplay here, but story too.
Though, if that's how you overlook gameplay problems, fine by me.

Personally, I don't think the examples you provide mask those problems because they're completely unrelated. Sounds to me like you're emphasizing environment interaction. Which, don't get me wrong, is a good thing. Every game, including KH1, should have more interaction with the environment, and hardly any of the games have matched KH1's. But KH1's level of environment interaction is not to any degree where I would outright applaud it. Does it add a bit more immersion? Sure. Does it help overlook problems? Not really.

Re:CoM is another example where there is plenty of environment interaction, but, again, I'm not applauding it.
Adding little things in the environment adds some finesse, but it won't change (or shouldn't change) your opinion about the core gameplay unless it is fundamental to it.
For instance, the added crowns and Mushrooms in KH2FM were both welcome additions, but by no means did my opinion of the gameplay hinge on them.

It felt wide and you have a big area to walk around in, but it wasn't more open than KH1. Open means complexity. Open is what I consider Deep Jungle or Agrabah. Compare Agrabah in KH1 to 2 and... well, the KH2 version did not have its nooks and crannies. Whilst in 1, there were quite a fair bit... plus that there were entrances accessed from the 'roof' that lead to the same area as say, walking through the normal entrance.

Kingdom Hearts is what I define... open.

I don't think "open" is the word you're looking for.
The best possible example of "open" would probably be a sandbox game, and none of the KH games fall into that category. No matter how much or how little "complexity" there is, it's still moving from one room to another, one box to the next.


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

KH1 was a great, new and interesting game. It's really fun to replay, but it's nowhere near perfect.


Killjoy Hillington
Jul 3, 2010
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

The only problem I have with the game is the gameplay and the gummi ship rides, which the next games really improve on. But other than that, story-wise the game is the best in the series. Mostly because Sora isn't as annoying, the writing isn't cheesy as it is in previous games, and the keyblades and replay value are good.


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie

The only problem I have with the game is the gameplay and the gummi ship rides, which the next games really improve on. But other than that, story-wise the game is the best in the series. Mostly because Sora isn't as annoying, the writing isn't cheesy as it is in previous games, and the keyblades and replay value are good.
What about the camera?
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