I'm no doctor, but does it feel like you're rocking on a ship back and forth from time to time? Even in bed? If so, I've had similar problems in the past and I did go to the doctor and she told me I might've gotten a case of vertigo. They had to reset my 'pebble' in my head by laying me down back and turning my head left and right for a few minutes. I was told to sleep upright for the next 48 hours! Let me tell you, it wasn't fun at all. Imagine sitting and watching t.v but unable to turn your head for fear of screwing it up?
Not fun at all, I'll tell you that much. And if by some miracle that I did get some decent sleep, it was really a miracle of its own right. Anyway, I'm glad you're going to get this checked and hopefully get the answers you seek as to fix this crap before it gets worse (Did I just jinx that up?!). It's interesting you're doing some job-hunting months before KH3 comes out.. You strap for cash? xD I kid, I kid!
Ooh, I'll be ready and excited to read your post!