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Spoilers ► KINGDOM HEARTS 3 Re Mind DLC Spoiler Discussion Thread


Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Sooo... anyone asking themselves if the MoM can really return at any moment without Luxu's and the Foretellers help?

I think it has been pretty obvious from the get go that MoM can easily traverse worldlines or wherever he went. I've been saying this since day one but he is totally a god-like being. He has no issues going between worlds but he wants his apprentices to really believe he's gone and that they have to bring him back.

Also, does anyone wonder what that exchange between Yozora and Sora was about? Yozora saying Sora sees him as Yozora and Sora using Sora's name? But the Yozora we see is the real deal, since we see that same figure in the car.

We don't know if Yozora in the car IS the real deal, though. It's clear that they want us to not see what he really looks like. After all, Nameless Star says that the person she pines for has been "changed beyond recognition" and that his heart has been replaced with another.

It is implied that Yozora seems to be familiar with our Sora, but also another Sora (potentially Nameless Star).


Active member
Feb 13, 2018
I think it has been pretty obvious from the get go that MoM can easily traverse worldlines or wherever he went. I've been saying this since day one but he is totally a god-like being. He has no issues going between worlds but he wants his apprentices to really believe he's gone and that they have to bring him back.

I Don't know, watching Back Cover, MoM seems and talks like he doesn't control when or where he is going to appear next. He talks to all his apprentices saying things like maybe he will disappear, like he isn't really sure of that. Maybe he is just being plain manipulative, but I don't think so...

And after playing ReMind, I'm thinking maybe the MoM is like Sora: he used some weird power that ghosted his life, and then he had just a few weeks/days before completely disappearing, just like Sora did after saving Kairi. Finally, he disappeared completely like he knew it would happen, and then his heart/soul went to Shibuya.

Twilight Lumiair

Well-known member
May 1, 2017
Gee thanks, yet I wonder if I really come over that "hardcore", lol. Besides Ven I still have Naminé and Sora up on 1st place when it comes to favorites and when it comes to how KH III treated her I would be tempted to go all hardcore in a negative sense if I still had the time for my old days essay-long posts. <__<
Oh wow, really?! I never would've guessed from your post tbh XD

Lol, it's a shame that your schedule became so tight. I would've loved to see another one your glorious character essays.
When it comes to Ventus and his status

I'll say it is a mixed bag for me. On one hand I'm looking forward to see his backstory expanded while on the other I'm on the verge of facepalming every second time something gets "revealed" or teased because it gets all forcibly hung back to the atrocity that is Union X. When it was still the browser game I was pretty much on board with its story because it had a good premise and setup (as so many of Nomura's ideas have) yet when it comes to the continuation I'm getting more and more annoyed not only because of the truly abysmal pacing of the story but also due to the constant shoehorning of already existing characters into that era.
You can't be faulted for forgetting much stuff about its story since it takes ages for just two meager story scenes to be released and the existing characters shoehorned in so far are either a) window dressing or b) don't match up with what is already known about them.
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When it comes specifically to Ventus, he's actually one of the few I don't mind much being included in the chi-era even if I would have preferred a less convoluted approach to his backstory.
There are some hints made about his mysterious past in the series beforehand so it is a possible setup that can be chained to existing stuff and yet, so far the story of Ux hasn't focused on Ven at all and the only things we did get to see that he's indeed very similar to his present self in the areas of being kind, innocent and pure but which are also things we already knew from Xehanort's BBS reports. His yearning to have friends like in BBS is also already present. What is new to a degree is his general diffidence and insecurity and of course that he's at age 10 or 11 there.
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Ven being a natural pure heart of light would be a new development that would shake up or affect quite some other parts of the overall lore and literally make him the opposite of Sora thematically in terms of "just ordinary boy" as then he would be marked as a highly special entity.
Perhaps he was even the one MoM intended to have the BoP originally, as in all the whole "false light" stuff he mentions with Xehanort?
There are so many possibilities.
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There are certainly even more possibilities, but if I had to put my foot down the only scenario I DON'T want to see is that Ventus' shown personality is just an act and even as a 10/11 year old he's actually an evil shitbag.
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Everything regarding Vanitas and Ventus isn't only new, but absurdly unexplained since BBS. I've been waiting for a moment when Nomura would start hinting at his past and his lighty nature and Vanitas origins, since in BBS it isn't explained really well what Vanitas actually is and how did he come to life.
No no, BBS was VERY explicit about what Vanitas was and where he came from. But I definitely agree that they couldn't decide what they wanted to do with that concept, so his "true nature" kept flip flopping till he became what he is today: a walking contradiction, and another perfect example of a wasted character in this series. Even his personality isn't consistent anymore, and Vani's scenes in KH3 actively annoyed me (I wasn't kidding when I said he turned into a theatrical clown, lol).

I don't think any of this is particularly spoilery, but I tagged most of it just in case, lol.

2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
So Leon just referenced FF8 in Re:Mind and I'm super happy about that even if it does amount to nothing in the grand scale of things. But my Ellone "theory" actually holds some water now and that makes me happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smC4c4FOd4I&t=4s


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Re Mind:
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Limit Cut:

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Secret Episode:

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
I Don't know, watching Back Cover, MoM seems and talks like he doesn't control when or where he is going to appear next. He talks to all his apprentices saying things like maybe he will disappear, like he isn't really sure of that. Maybe he is just being plain manipulative, but I don't think so...

And after playing ReMind, I'm thinking maybe the MoM is like Sora: he used some weird power that ghosted his life, and then he had just a few weeks/days before completely disappearing, just like Sora did after saving Kairi. Finally, he disappeared completely like he knew it would happen, and then his heart/soul went to Shibuya.
MoM grew tired of the constant battle between light and darkness and wanted to disappear and not be involved, so whatever he did to accomplish that was likely intentional.


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
Hey, a non-hostile discussion about my favourite cuteboy...

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Oct 15, 2008
I think it has been pretty obvious from the get go that MoM can easily traverse worldlines or wherever he went.

Mini-headcanon: the reason we didn't see MoM go away into a corridor of darkness when he walked away from YX is because he uses a different, superior form of travel that looks different and Nomura didn't want to reveal.


Active member
Dec 14, 2018
Mini-headcanon: the reason we didn't see MoM go away into a corridor of darkness when he walked away from YX is because he uses a different, superior form of travel that looks different and Nomura didn't want to reveal.
hes also got all the time in the world, so why not take a walk?

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
I think it has been pretty obvious from the get go that MoM can easily traverse worldlines or wherever he went. I've been saying this since day one but he is totally a god-like being. He has no issues going between worlds but he wants his apprentices to really believe he's gone and that they have to bring him back.
The MoM wanting his Foretellers to want him back could be how he travels through Worldlines. The same method Maleficent tells Pete about the Box: "It doesn't exist yet". Maybe he MoM establishes connections with the hearts of some people in order to freely traverse Worldlines.

We don't know if Yozora in the car IS the real deal, though. It's clear that they want us to not see what he really looks like. After all, Nameless Star says that the person she pines for has been "changed beyond recognition" and that his heart has been replaced with another.
I honestly thought that was meta-dialogue directed at Yozora actually being Noctis. But it's possible. Yozora has one red eye. Also, we kinda saw No Name having a red eye in Re:MIND. Maybe the MoM is possessing Yozora and this is how he can freely traverse Worldlines? Or maybe the red eye is just a trait to identify Yozora's "ghost eye" ability to speak with the dead.

It is implied that Yozora seems to be familiar with our Sora, but also another Sora (potentially Nameless Star).
Yes. But man, if it happens, why name Nameless Star the same as Sora?


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
I think playing through KH completely again right before playing Re:Mind was a mistake on my part. The DLC treats the scenes it repeats for the most part as if the player hadn't seen them in awhile and doesn't really truncate them, which made it initially a bit of a slog to get into. For me it wasn't until I could really play in Scala that I was really feeling it.

Don't get me wrong playing as Aqua, Riku and Roxas was great and probably the reason I'll replay this part via Re:Mind moving forward. Generally playing the other characters and doing the new team attacks was really fun and justifies getting it for me. I also love the new team attacks, rather surprised that Sora and Riku didn't get one.

At first I was bothered by how nothing changed and how they showed us the same things we saw, but I feel this came from me just having done those segments and feeling starved for new content. I'll admit that was probably why I couldn't get into it until Scala. However in hindsight I can appreciate the first part a bit more, though I do wish we'd gotten other fights to start the game off of, the recycled bosses came of as kinda lazy.

In the end I do wonder why it took them so long to make this DLC, seeing it felt kinda lazy at points as if the team working on it was smaller. Considering the price was rather close to a third of the price of a regular game, I do feel a bit let down. But that's also because Limit Cut and Secret Episode are not of interest to me, seeing I dislike super bosses, so it might come off as less content to me than it actually is.

Another gripe I have is that for a story focusing on Getting Kairi back, she doesn't get much screen time herself nor do we really learn more about Sora and Kairi's friendship. On the upside the way we end things in limit cut, it seems we might get more on Kairi and Riku's friendship, if she wakes up for the next game that is.

That all said I do like it and feel like this is the ending for KH3 I wanted and am happy we got it. If this is how things always played out than the Guardians lack of worry about Kairi's loss makes sense. They saw her fighting along side them just a while ago and know she's save.

I was surprised by the added scene to the RAX fight, but am so happy for it's inclusion. Having them face of against Xemnas felt nice and rewarding. I wasn't aware of how much I wanted it until I got it. I also rather like how they handled it not being in the original, in the main game we only ever got Sora's POV, but he wasn't "awake" for those parts. Seeing Kairi get a nice swing at Xemnas was also nice and having her seriously recovering from a powerful attack also makes her kidnapping sting slightly less, but I still don't like it.
Also this makes her taking on a Master Xehanort replica more believable, it better showcases her progress and I can kinda see why Axel called her a trump card once we get to play as her.

I think my favorite surprise was getting to play as Mickey as he stood his ground on his last leg. Playing as all of the guardians together was pretty rad, just need to learn how to time dodges and blocks better haha. Playing as Kairi is great and I hope this is the basis for her if she gets to be playable in a future game.

The answers we got were nice, though the Prolog made me think certain plot lines would be more relevant to this DLC than they were. Guess these were just missing scenes that were needed to set up the next saga.
In typical KH fashion some of the new elements are confusing and could have used a secret report to explain. Mainly where the replicas the other guardians faced came from. The one's in Scala seemed to have been destroyed when Xehanort fused with them, but I guess it could have been them.

Generally I like what we got, just wish we had gotten more.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
I wasn't kidding when I said I skipped all the cutscenes because I knew I wasn't going to like the story. I really enjoyed playing the DLC, and I wouldn't have enjoyed it to the max if I absorbed the story. I saw the scenes on YouTube and god I can't say I'm surprised. Maybe because I'm done playing it that I am not so bitter but regardless I still stand with KH 3 being a horrible closer to the saga.

To leave it on a positive note, playing as Kairi felt good.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
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Jan 2, 2013
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Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
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