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  • Giant heads I don't know. I mean I think Stonehenge would get more attention.

    And the reason why I would love to go to Greece is to appreciate the architecture and the art that was created by all of the great renosance artists of our past.

    China I think, but not for a nature walk. Unless it's to see the Panda's. *keeps eyeing your neck throughout my conversation and my eyes go blood red*
    Easter Island? Not gonna ask why. But I think of checking out the cities of Greece and what not.

    *keeps drinking until I ran out* Aww man! * chucks the flask and is still thristy and eyes your neck a bit*
    Oh I forgot about New Zealand. I think thats somewhere to take my future wife out for a honeymoon.....Probably 2nd honeymoon really.

    *grabs a flask and drinks some blood out of it*
    Very good. I was able to see my grandmother who is now resting in a home due to a lot of near death's she went through. And got a few things as well that I asked for Christmas.

    Got any New Year resolutions planned out? Mine was to get more in shape. I'm starting to lose my phsyic and muscle.
    Great............Well it's gonna be Christmas soon so why not. Might be drunk anyway from all the eggnog. *brushes your hair back and bites on your neck to drink your blood*
    Well, no one is posting in the RP. But I'm guessing reason why is because the holidays. Once the holidays are over can you help me get everyone to post?

    And can I have some of your blood as well?
    Well my laptop is fixed now. But aside my laptop being broken time after time, and being out of college for a while until my next semester starts. I have been to hockey games, just recently had our families Christmas Party that we have every year to see the family and exchange gifts. But now we stop giving gifts to each other due to the fact that most of us have grown up and there are less kids in the family.

    I saw Tron Legacy in the movie theaters with my friends, and later when Chrismas Eve comes around I'll be going over to my aunts to open Christmas presents from most of my family who are there, such as my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. And while all that's going on and I wait for the time the polls close on my what RP I should go with thread. I'll be working on my next RP. So far the Underworld High School RP idea I told you about is up ahead.
    Wow, maybe you should take it easy from all the hard drinking then.

    But as I said from earlier I am having errors with my laptop. Heck I'm on my Wii just to send this reply. But my mom knows a guy from her work who can possibly get it working again I hope. And I have finished my semester in college and won't report back until the 10th of Janurary.
    Hey, looks like the Cirque Du Freak RP is going down. No on has been posting up in it for a while. Also I'm having some errors with my laptop so those RP ideas I posted up will be delayed until further notice. Other then that, how have you been lately?
    Thanks sheila. Right now I may have sometime to think it over. I have no class today. It's been canceled due to the amount of snow outside.
    Ditto. But what are you gonna do? New shows appear everytime thinking younger viewers may like it. Anyway thanks for the support though. *wipes up the leftover blood off my face* Now I just need to decide which idea to go with for my next RP. I haven't even started on either one because I've been busy with my last week stuff for college. Guess I'll go with either the old fashion coin flip or a poll vote.
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