that's unfortunate. here in california, we're pretty understanding and all, so i've never really known any homosexuals here who have had trouble coming out or acting as gay as they want!
it's just always kind of worried me. i think my mom might think i take for granted everything my parents do for me, but i realize that they kind of make my world turn. i like to think i'm very independent, but honestly, i'm really not. i depend a lot on them, so there's just always been a nagging thought in the back of my head that i'm going to fuck everything up when i'm alone. like i said, now that i'm older, that thought isn't really there as much, but i'm still pretty worried on moving out and being on my own.
thanks! i'm not actually applying to Duke, but that's just because i don't think i've got what it takes to get into big name schools like Duke, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, Brown, etc.
i felt pretty good about the latest test, so i'm hoping i did well. really pushing for that 2100.
i've never heard of that, but i'll definitely have to look into it because it sounds like a douchey thing they would do.