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  • Well for as of now, it's minimal abstract. I don't have any current tags that do show my style, whatever it is. However I'm wanting to learn how to make things that are close to this picture, Also blending more lighting with the stock and render in this picture.

    Also good news! I actually got my logo/ideas picked for the guy who's trying to start up his company.I gave him some variants for him to gawk at from what he wanted from on his description. Maybe If I'm lucky, his company is going to have some critical acclaim or something, and people will ask where he had gotten his logo? What are the chances uve' that though? xD
    That always confused me. What would you say my style is? I can never my self tell what my style is, but I can for everyone else. I suppose thats like it for everyone else too.
    I would actually honestly love to do that, since I do frequent the site on a daily basis. However the equipment I have at home is basically nothing compared to the only hour long session uve' Macs/Modern Computers I get during my class at school. Don't get me wrong, I can probably make do with my old laptop, it's basic at most and can run PS and Illustrator. Just don't ask me to do anything like 3D-rendering or extremely large pieces. I definitely have the time, I tend to never be busy during the weekends or breaks so that shouldn't be a problem.

    You still have the Link to my website? I'll usually update anything I make that feels adequate enough to be on looked publicly. I'll definitely can never be good as you, Cloud, IDrops, or the others, but I don't mind. I feel like I have some difference from everyone else...in a good way.
    Definitely, I know what you mean, currently my Graphic Design 2 has been showing me so much in Illustrator it's outstandingly different after finding my niche in PS from learning by myself and with help from you and the internet. Thankfully taking Photography and as well TV/Media before I kind uve' have a better idea what the real world wants in this type uve' career. Hey maybe I could design movie posters? haha That's sort uve' what we do on the forums, in a linear idea uve it. xD

    Coincidently, we have been given an assignment if you feel obligated to, is to make/design a logo for someone who wants to start up an energy company. If the person likes what you designed we get a $100!..in gift cards. Hey experience right?

    Again, I'm grateful for your insight man. I really appreciate it.
    Jeez, I was thinking uve' joining a Local Graphic Design shop right after I graduate school. However with what you're saying with how your work isn't standing out compared to others, I really need to work hard to just make it dent for a Local Business. For now though, If I can some how afford going to the Art Institute and make money. That'll be my academic dream plan. If that is not the case, I'll be working full time and trying to find a Graphic Design place somewhere until I can become independent from my parents and live on my own. Which in this case kills two birds with one stone since I've heard that it helps lower your tuition fees. Take Junior College, then that'll ultimately help me out with either the Art Institute or Academy of Art the 2 years after.

    Thanks for your two cents man. It means a lot!
    Have you ever considered doing a job in graphic design? Like for actual consumers and getting paid to do so?
    Before I sign off for the night, could you check out my website and give me your opinion uve' my latest tags? I haven't been able to work in PS since my computer broke, but I had the time to mess around with it during my Graphic Design class! ^^

    Ah I'm sorry man. =[ I thought I had more time. I'm only able to get up on a computer for a while at a time right now. TnT
    I'll try and vote soon! And I promise to make something for the next sotm.

    Also, are we gonna do a separate halloween contest for creative media? Or do we just do a halloween themed sotm? If I recall correctly last year's halloween contest didn't have a big turnout sooo...
    I simply inserted images of the links and specified which pose of the sprites I want and you spotted my votes for SotM
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