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look sora, just describe the area around, the noises, make the reader feel it and see it. be descriptive of your attacks. im no expert, but that will certainly help
Okay ive been reading your posts, and sorry to say but they arent that great, at all, you miss alot of detail that should be added. Anyway, what i suggest you do is get a rp tutor.
He tells you all about the misson teams bravo and alpha went on, the kiddnapping, henry getting hurt, sends you to the plane, you fly there and meet us. and make the post as detailed as possible
In the soul eater rp post with more detail, also don't make your posts short like you've been doing put some more into it like 2 or 3 paragraphs plus dialogue.
Either post a nice big post or dont post at all, it wanst even a full sentance what you put. You need to add detail in what did you see when you woke up, did you see any of the people you were with? the bad guy? what?