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  • omg ;~;

    how'd you like Mari?! ASUKA? SHINJI GROWING A PAIR? AHHHH are you in the chat right now xD
    ;w; It's alright~

    No worries, I'm like that sometimes as well. Paranoid and all. Like sometimes I have to check that I have everything with me at least three times and even when I have left and I can't do anything about it, I have that feeling that I have forgotten something. But mostly I trust myself. You just have to believe in yourself. \*_*/ And I don't know, maybe being pessimistic about things is a bit age-related. I mean, I was very pessimistic when I was 13-17 years old. But I guess pessimism never leaves if you're a realist. Haha, that's a bit contradictory in a sense, usually the paranoids are the ones being overly cautious.

    As much as you could make me play a Silent Hill game I suppose. >:c

    I think it would be the best to do what you like to do so if that is what motivates you and you enjoy doing, then you have made the right choice, so to say. I don't know, I'm perhaps a bit jelly even. ;w; I have always believed in "You have to do the things that you don't want to do before you can do the things that you really want do" sort of things, so eh. I've followed that mentality since I was 7 and that's why I've always pushed myself to be good at school and then perhaps sacrificed pretty much everything else, like drawing. Now I'm studying a subject that doesn't really interest me but might probably give me a relatively big paycheck in the future.
    Yeah, a certificate. Though I don't know what I would even do with such thing. Probably nothing, lol. But it would've been nice. I am. ;~; I still regret that choice. I dislike myself for giving up. ;w;

    Haha, I see. I wonder what that show is. *u* I usually tend to watch some movies or HBO/Showtime series but that's pretty much it, although there are a couple of series that I never get tired of as well and I watch them from time to time. But yes, my TV exists for mah vidya gamez.
    That's awesome~ c: They like you if they hang out with you. ;w; That's what I think, I mean, I don't know for sure if people like me but if they come to talk to me, they apparently like me, otherwise they wouldn't come. You are. ;w;<3 But to be honest, I used to have that impression of myself as well but I got rid of it. I'll let other people judge if they like me or not and if they don't, I don't give a heck. 8) At least I tried. This is somewhat contradictory as well. ?_? I, at the same time, care what people think about me but on the other hand, I don't care if they don't like me. ...what. I don't make any sense sometimes. But isn't that normal? I mean, that you care around people who you like. C:

    Mmm, I've played around 15h. But I'm getting home today so I can play probably at least 10 more hours this weekend if I don't suddenly become lazy. So I'm getting closer and closer. `3?

    Have you been watching Chihayafuru lately? You know, just asking.
    Belated V-Day reply! <3

    lol, it is alright. I wouldn't have been able to read it anyway~ *u*

    Young apprentice, huh? `3? Aww, well, I've been sometimes afraid of it as well but then I've been thinking that it's somewhat irrational to fear something like that because anything can happen. Like, I could get hit by a car in bright daylight without any warning but I'd become crazy if I was thinking about it all the time. And besides, if you take care of your stuff, know where you are, where you are going and where not to go while in a big city, you'll be alright. o~o I've never been mugged in my life. And I've noticed that all the stuff happens to people who are overly cautious, lol.

    You will think so. ?3?
    why. ;w;

    Ah, I see. Sounds intriguing, that level thingie. But yeah, I know what you mean. I regret almost more than anything that I stopped going to an art school when I was 14 because I didn't feel motivated and I thought I sucked. I'd be so much more developed by now and I would have gotten a certificate for going to that school. ;w; Stupid me is stupid.
    Derp. *u*

    I don't really know either lol. My TV is almost solely for gaming so ... I don't even watch TV anymore.
    I taught myself to be more social. 8D And it's working~ Apparently people like me, woooo. I don't know why but I care. ;w; I get irritated. Emm, no, I asked you. `3?~

    I should~ *u* Yesss, I was aware of that. It is awesome. *3* ... nope. I'm still working on FFXIII-2. I've played only 10h so far so eeeh. But my winter break actually started so I have a couple of extra days to play.
    Nah, it's alright.

    I kind of get a feeling that you already are independent but you just don't realize it. `3? And you won't end up like him if you're just willing to go out there, to the big world. Of course there might be situations in life when you're not able to do it but you will eventually. I've always been a city person, I've always enjoyed big cities more than small towns so ... living basically in periphery, ugh, it's not for me.
    @___@ I'm getting ... dizzy.

    Yes. Oui. Hai. S?. Kyll?. Ja.
    I didn't mean the adjective, the verb, fufufufufu. c:<

    Haha, yeah I guess it sounds the same. But you can concentrate on leading for example, or accounting or ... whatever basically. Sounds cool~ *u* My teacher doesn't definitely encourage me to take more Economics than what's necessary, LOL. But art as the major. *u*~~ It'd be cool. I would have liked it. But. It's so hard to get jobs from that field here. D:
    So I've heard. *u*;

    I guess, haha. Oh yeah, Saturdays~ They used to be so awesome. Like Pokemon. Nowadays they just show some crap and my heart weeps.
    Party or not, it applies lol. Yesss. Like, why. I dislike people who do not care and just go with the flow and argh. Define 'smart'. `3? I can play this game too you know.

    Aww, that still sucks though. But... but... I can download it only once. ;_; I usually transfer them to my computer so I just listen to them on the iTunes and the albums/whatever can stay in their covers~ He looks cool, yes. `3?Yeeeaaahhh, guessed as much.
    Awww! Thank you so much! ;W; Same to you~<3


    I tried to find a card without any cheesiness but couldn't find anything. `3?
    And yaaaayyy, I was your 400th VM.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Have a good Valentine's Day! Thanks for being the funny, cool, kind, and awesome! And you seem to brighten up the cafe~
    I love you and wish you joy!
    Well, "the problem" is that I've always been independent, whether I've lived alone or not, so it just feels like that I got myself a new own room. o~o; Therefore, I don't know if it should feel any different, lol. I'd probably still live at home if I had gotten to school in my hometown so ... it's alright. My friend is soon 20, she still lives at home and is not in a university but she is not any less independent than I am. :) Haha, I guess. It kinda sucks if you live far away from everything. I know how that feels. /oldhometown But why did I always think that you live in Arizona or New Mexico. ?__?; I guess it was some sort of assumption, lol.
    Yes, but, but ... D: ~ I'm very skeptic when it comes to these things! Doesn't matter if my own mom said that to me, lol! Haha, I've never met, like in real life but I've heard. I can be stubborn at being stubborn. ...what. Derp.

    >:c You shall surrender!
    Nuuuu~ you can't.

    But, but, I concentrate on marketing. ;w; And it wouldn't be that boring, it is actually rather interesting when a teacher makes it interesting. But our teacher talks about the subject like we all would be masters in business economics already, uses terms that we have never even heard of etc. I don't understand those terms in my mother tongue, so how I can understand them in my second language. :'D As I've said, I'm full of contradictions. `3?
    Hahaha, I see. That's true though. I remember being annoyed that my favorite cartoon always started at 8, when I had to be in school already. Though I also remember watching Digimon at 7 on Friday mornings before going to school<3 Good times.
    Actually they don't. Here at least. They're so air-headed that it hurts. :c So I guess I'm a bit smarter in that sense than your average Finnish 19 year old. Hahah, alright.

    That sucks. Changing it suddenly. ?_? Without any reason. Yeah, you probably can. Mine was the one time download only but I have the physical ost so... I don't have a need for that. It's a good collector's item, indeed. But not that big of a fan yet that I should get it. I like it immensely as well but ... but Ornstein. ;~; lol, idk why I'm so attached to him. I'm going to hate him from the bottom of my heart when I actually get to play the game.
    Independence is good~ *u* Though I don't know if I feel any more independent than before. o~o; It's like ... I'm living at home but without anyone else. And no one does anything for me, so I just have to do everything myself. And nothing else, lol, idk. Haha, well, yeah but you live closer than I probably ever will, lol. idk where other Finns that come here live and tbh, I don't really even talk to them so whatev. o~o But California is awesome~ ;w; The central coast is just~<3
    Because it's not convincing, lol. Haha, I don't know, maybe she was a bit weird. o3o~ But scary movies make people do weird things as well, so I don't know. *shrug* Oh, trust me, I can be a very stubborn person. And fierce. >:c
    I guess I'd be happy if I died less than 500 times.

    >:c Yooouuu will.
    y u flattering. :'c Haha, I guess that counts normal.
    No you wouldn't, lmao.

    Haha, true. But surprisingly, in my new school, the only subjects that I find really boring are maths (surprise there...) and economics. Economics wouldn't even be boring if that teacher didn't make it out to be so. o__o That is peculiar. I would have wanted to go in the morning as well. 11-6 is kind of in the middle of the day. You can't really do anything in the morning and you don't have time to do anything in the evening. You are majorly smart~ `3` Haha, well, that walking Wikipedia thing is sort of a joke between my friends to be honest. I don't think I'm that smart but many have said that I seem to know everything, lol, which is certainly not true of course. Haha, to be honest, I haven't ever really thought myself to be more mature, more intelligent/smarter/whatever than others who are the same age as me. Besides, I'd rather be wise than intelligent. An intelligent person gets out of situations where a wise one would never end up, as they say. `3? Or sumthin'.

    My. As. My own. D8 NO COMPRENDO! Haha, I don't know why it was but I don't care, haha, taking the advantage still~. It was about ~10€ cheaper so ... not hard to determine which one to take. Is it different? My limited edition is like this. The ost was in the artbook~ o3o I had an access to the downloadable ost as well but that'd be one time use only. Soo... Yeah, I was thinking about getting the guide but meh. That's what the Internet is for. But I don't get it. He's so awesome character, why he isn't in there! I do not accept this! >:c Yeah, it's cool though. I love the art for the game so~

    True dat. `3`
    Like right now? I'm sooooo boring you. You can tell. ^^;

    You are in California too? I live in Cali too. Woo hoo. I could name a million people I could be hanging out with right now. Assuming they liked me enough to actually hang out with me back. xD

    Ahaha, oh really? It is true. :O
    Assuming I was hitting on you. Darn it, it like didn't work! >_< LOL.
    Girls mostly anyways. :I
    Hehe, I don't see why it would annoy you anyways.

    Who actually puts enough attention to such miniscule things anyways? Now I am Kiwi ++. Double synthesis. Yay~
    Yeah, I know... Conversations never last that long. ._.

    Ah, welp of course. So, if you had the chance to meet said people, then you would? Everyone is too far away, though! :/

    It seemed like it. It seems like you put it in everything you post. I mean, in every vm so far! :>
    Figuratively not literally of course. As if I swung that way. Well not always, but meh no matter! lol ^^;
    I love how you are still using them, though! xD

    I mean, I would understand if I was still a normal member the + sign would be blue. It's red, how do you guys confuse it? I mean it's understandable, but I don't get it!
    Yeah, that's true as well. o3o~ But what I meant is, that even though you might be in a perfect relationship for example, you can't feel constantly happy. You are going to feel unhappy at some point. But, that partner might be the thing that makes you happy when you are unhappy: that "ordinary", every day thing (though of course when in a relationship, you don't take someone granted and blahblahblah but you got my point, lol). :D Well, I don't think it's because my family is not here. It's mostly because I hated that city where I used to live from the bottom of my heart. You too, Brutus? lol, everyone lives in California. ;~; Sigh.
    True. Haha, it's probably not but saying it doesn't help, lol. What's so funny about that, lol, it's serious business! If we ever meet, I'll be sure to say 'watch me' while you try to force me to play it. >:c Grrr.
    I hope I don't die too often and throw my TV and PS3 out of the window. Yess~, oh yess~ *u*

    N-O. I won't give up in this you know. >:c lol
    If I relax my face, I look like I want to kill someone. ;~; I'd have to be constantly smiling. Haha, normal. What is normal.
    ~ `3? They're not even long. I could write a novel.
    ;A; YES.

    It is. But I'm not too fond of internal organs so... I wanted to be a psychiatrist at some point but yeah, I'd need to do a doctor's degree and I didn't find myself motivated enough. Physics, argh. Chemistry goes but physics and maths ... hell no. lol, I remember being so eager when I got to school. 12 years later I'm thinking "wtf was wrong with me." Haha, well, it was fun then. But it was so horrible if I got home at 2pm. It was too late. Now it's like OMG, I GET OUT OF SCHOOL ALREADY. Haha, yes, they were. Intelligence is rather intimidating. I was (and I guess still am) the walking Wikipedia, so yeah, I can relate. I wasn't the best kid when it came to school stuff but anyway. o3o~ Aah, I see.

    Yeah, "my" Spanish is from Spain. The textbook that we use apparently uses Spain's Spanish so ... probably explains. Yeah, that's what the teacher told. That there are differences but they still understand each other even if you use a bit different words or something. Yup, I got it because it was cheaper than the original game because of some funny discount, haha. I don't mind, I enjoyed the soundtrack so ... Aah, okay. I don't really care for the guide. And I guess I could buy the official guide if I found a need for it. I was just scared that the ost is downloadble only but thank goodness, the LE included a physical version as well~<3 I was just bummed that there wasn't pictures of Ornstein in the artbook. ;o; Or then I just didn't notice.

    ~<3 Yeah. But it's not like I don't waste time on anything else. `3`
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