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Am I Alone on This?

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Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Story wise, dialogue wise, character insight and development wise. Hands down, CoM and Re:CoM are the best in the series as far as those go.
KH1 is infinately better than KH2 in those aspects, and CoM and Re:CoM are much better than KH1 in those aspects :\ hence, the best in the series thus far.

riku is darkness

New member
Mar 11, 2009
a place called home(and florida)
COM is pretty good i like the game. but its kinda lika a while-youre-wating-for-kh2 kinda game
other than that its good but at the end and beginning i hate the no voicess thing but i liked how it was awesome graphics in those cutscenes.
im talking about the one for GBA


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
Again, story wise, KH2 would be my favorite, though it does have its faults in that area.

Difficulty and pleasure playing wise, KH1 would be my favorite.

However, CoM definitely ranks up there in the gameplay wise.

I enjoyed having to think about the gameplay. It was a challenge, something that doesn't come often from the button mashing. With KH2, I know that I can go in and have a relaxing button mashing spree. With CoM, I know that I have to go in wanting to actually think about what I have to do play.

I can't say that any of them are better than the other, because I like all of them for different reasons.


New member
May 11, 2009
Life's Lover finally brings up a valid point! ALL THREE GAMES HAVE THEIR STRENGTHS. Come on, folks, everyone stop shoving their personal favorites down people's throats.
Now, the original question: is COM the worst in the series? That depends on what criteria you're asking about, or overall. In my opinion, KH1 is my least favorite...for the fact that (to me) the plot had too much focus on the Disney, with the addition of dialogue that today rubs me as a little juvenile. Which-before everyone begins to descend on me with internet napalm-is not to say I did not thoroughly enjoy the game. Because I truly did! Those are just flaws that kept me from enjoying it as much as the others.
People may argue that KH2 suffered from just as much Disney, if not more (Atlantica...shivers) than KH1, which is up to opinion. The difference to me is that Nomura allowed Sora to grow up a little. He isn't quite as naive as before, and he uses that brain as more than just a spaceholder. Also, overall the game just played more fun to me than the others. Button mashing aside, the sheer level of Godhood one could allow Sora to ascend was giddyingly mind-numbing and fun; further, it was always fun to take a ride on the roller coaser that was KH2's combat system. Not to mention, the gummi ship travel was a fun game unto itself!
Back to topic: I enjoyed COM immensely for the story. However, I found the card theme to be very crippling. On the GBA it worked fine, but once I played the PS2 version I found myself longing for one of the other systems of combat. In general, they're just more fluid.

OVERALL ( One, two, or three stars)

Plot ** *** ***
Characters ** *** ***
Plot Development ** *** **
Character Development * ** ***
World(s) ** * ***
Combat/Control ** * ***
Accessibility ** *** *
Fun Factor ** * ***
Maturity of Themes * ** ***
Customization ** *** *

Remember Folks...all just opinions. Play nice.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
:\ I might've liked KH2's plot more if it had one. What was amazing in KH1 and was still handled well in CoM/Re:CoM was that everything weaved together to make one single plot. KH2 had none of that. Every world was completely detached from the others and we were lucky for them to pretend to connect it by throwing random Org XIII every once in a while.
As it was, we got to see more of Pete and Maleficent than we did of the Org. And they actually did stuff with them, like Timeless River, Maleficent to the rescue (wtf) in Hollow Bastion, and again, taking their stand in TWTNW.
The Organization, being the game's plot, had none of that until the FM+ was released in Japan. They were just random bad guys for Sora to beat up with shrugable motives.

As for character development - what character development? Donald being a complete ass? Sora being a mood swinging idiot that stood in contrast to almost everything based thus far, and that's without what happened in CoM because he supposedly forgot that? Oh I know, how about Riku and Namine's character developments, or Kairi's for that matter?
Whazzat? None whatsoever because we didn't get to see anything aside from Sora beating up Heartless in a Nobody game?
Why, yes, I do believe that's the problem here.

KH1 had plenty of mature themes :\ Sora being 14 might make it seem not like it, but people losing their Hearts and their worlds and princesses getting kidnapped all over the place and best friends since childhood beating each other up and omg Sora comitting suicide to protect everyone he ever cared for? What's not Mature about any of that?
And zomg, CoM/Re:CoM not being mature? Sora leaping at people when they have their backs turned on them, mind-fuck to the max and him about ready to beat Donald and Goofy up for the love of his life? Everything and anything that went on in Riku's story? What's not mature about that?

I'm sorry, Sora effin singing Hakuna Matata when he has no reason to be this cheerful or "give up on the past and live in the present". That, my friend, is immature themes :\ not to mention crappy writing but that's a whole different issue.

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
I don't think it's worse game in the series but I'm not a big fan of the game although I have to admit the card system is okay with me but it just didn't have the feel KH1 had or things in KH2. :p I do like RE:COM though...


Bronze Member
Nov 12, 2008
Shadow on the Sun.
it was fun and challenging for me. The card system brought some variation into the series and well It WAS my first Kingdom Hearts game after all so i owe it some lol.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
To me COM is the best,story and game-play wise,because it was unique from the other two games. Plus you had to think(oh,the terror) about your strategies. KH is just story for me,no matter how many times I've played it I'll always lose against someone. KH2 was meh =/ It was good, not bad but certainly not the best.


Apr 11, 2009
Henceforth not the worst not the best. Better than kh2 worse than kh.
My opinion


Apr 17, 2007
:\ I might've liked KH2's plot more if it had one. What was amazing in KH1 and was still handled well in CoM/Re:CoM was that everything weaved together to make one single plot. KH2 had none of that. Every world was completely detached from the others and we were lucky for them to pretend to connect it by throwing random Org XIII every once in a while.
As it was, we got to see more of Pete and Maleficent than we did of the Org. And they actually did stuff with them, like Timeless River, Maleficent to the rescue (wtf) in Hollow Bastion, and again, taking their stand in TWTNW.
The Organization, being the game's plot, had none of that until the FM+ was released in Japan. They were just random bad guys for Sora to beat up with shrugable motives.

As for character development - what character development? Donald being a complete ass? Sora being a mood swinging idiot that stood in contrast to almost everything based thus far, and that's without what happened in CoM because he supposedly forgot that? Oh I know, how about Riku and Namine's character developments, or Kairi's for that matter?
Whazzat? None whatsoever because we didn't get to see anything aside from Sora beating up Heartless in a Nobody game?
Why, yes, I do believe that's the problem here.

KH1 had plenty of mature themes :\ Sora being 14 might make it seem not like it, but people losing their Hearts and their worlds and princesses getting kidnapped all over the place and best friends since childhood beating each other up and omg Sora comitting suicide to protect everyone he ever cared for? What's not Mature about any of that?
And zomg, CoM/Re:CoM not being mature? Sora leaping at people when they have their backs turned on them, mind-fuck to the max and him about ready to beat Donald and Goofy up for the love of his life? Everything and anything that went on in Riku's story? What's not mature about that?

I'm sorry, Sora effin singing Hakuna Matata when he has no reason to be this cheerful or "give up on the past and live in the present". That, my friend, is immature themes :\ not to mention crappy writing but that's a whole different issue.

Well said.

A. Rex

New member
Jul 20, 2009
I'm with you.

The biggest complaint I had, with the original and remake, is the gameplay. People can voice their opinion about how innovative it is, but the fact of the matter is that innovation doesn't always equate to fun. It was a noble effort on the GBA, to be sure, and they spruced it up nicely on the PS2 but, regardless, it's not my kind of gameplay, not the kind I grew to love about KH1 and KH2.

Room creation is, again, a nice idea, but it creates a sense of discontinuity between areas where you're just boxed in from one room to the next. Changing the battlefield also seems to upset the continuity between the story and the actual combat. Does Sora actually transport to a circular arena for Org fights (rhetorical)? The setting change is too final fantasy.

The cards themselves created an extremely disjointed back and forth pace that seemed ultimately more irritating (especially in sluggish battles like with Repliku IV) than thrilling. I didn't feel satisfied when I destroyed a boss or set of enemies, I felt relieved that I could finally advance... and do the same thing later.

Not to mention how the randomness of the room creation cards totally sapped the fun out of exploration. How many times did you continually fight hordes of the same enemy until you found that Green five card? I sure as hell did it a lot, only adding to my frustration. In fact, the whole concept of exploration in this game was nothing more than grinding, making the pace even messier than the battles.

Now as for plot... it was good. Nothing outstanding though, it's much more mediocre in my eyes than many see it. It is, well, a very fitting side game.

The individual Diisney plots were terrible. Rehashes of the original KH Disney plots, except convoluted and warped by the theme of "memory" crammed in. The plot drives the Disney characters, whereas a good game should be vice versa (characters create the plot). There was nothing to look forward to in the Disney areas, same enemies, same-styled plot, same characters, same bosses, same places. I don't know about you, but every time I advanced to the next floor, I was anticipating getting out of that world to see Castle Oblivion's plot.

The Organization plot was clearly the highlight of the game, the one thing it did unquestionably great. Even then, though, I wouldn't commend it as so much better than, say, the main plot of KH2 as many others do. They took a different approach, that's all. CoM had the Org members in a much more down-to-Earth scenario where a damsel was in distress and the hero thus needed to make contact with them in order to advance the story. It allows for a more recognizable enemy, which is why they had some leeway in creating the conflict between the individual Org members. KH2 had the Org members in a more elusive and enigmatic manner, one that echoes back to the antics of the Disney villains in KH1. While this doesn't allow the character "development" that people lament about KH2 lacking for the Org, it wasn't needed, at least back then. Only in retrospect, when looking at CoM, did people want to know more about the Org interactions. Before they were simply supposed to be that far off, unknown enemy. Now we've got Days coming out to fill in that development.

Anyway, before I go off on any more tangents, CoM was a great addition to the KH series, and a welcome one at that. I find it as ludicrous as you that so many people praise it to the extent that it is the best game. In all honesty, the only explanation I can offer is that they look too much past its mistakes (since it was originally on the GBA) and delve into subtleties of the plot (looking too hard). The fact of the matter is that, if CoM were to be summed up in a few words, "side story," "rehash," and "grinding" would suit it well.
You are my hero.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Doing pudding pudding exercises during the day, ro
I don't really like Re: CoM too much. It was initially the card system that annoyed me, but once I got better at it I was still disappointed. I didn't expect it to be as good as KH1, but I also didn't expect it to be worse than KH2. I feel like it was the same thing in each world only different. Sadly when I think of Re:CoM, the word 'filler' comes to mind.

At the same time, that doesn't mean Re:CoM didn't have it's own advantages. And it isn't so much that I have anything against Re:CoM, I just like KH1 and KH2 much better.


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
:\ I might've liked KH2's plot more if it had one. What was amazing in KH1 and was still handled well in CoM/Re:CoM was that everything weaved together to make one single plot. KH2 had none of that. Every world was completely detached from the others and we were lucky for them to pretend to connect it by throwing random Org XIII every once in a while.
As it was, we got to see more of Pete and Maleficent than we did of the Org. And they actually did stuff with them, like Timeless River, Maleficent to the rescue (wtf) in Hollow Bastion, and again, taking their stand in TWTNW.
The Organization, being the game's plot, had none of that until the FM+ was released in Japan. They were just random bad guys for Sora to beat up with shrugable motives.

As for character development - what character development? Donald being a complete ass? Sora being a mood swinging idiot that stood in contrast to almost everything based thus far, and that's without what happened in CoM because he supposedly forgot that? Oh I know, how about Riku and Namine's character developments, or Kairi's for that matter?
Whazzat? None whatsoever because we didn't get to see anything aside from Sora beating up Heartless in a Nobody game?
Why, yes, I do believe that's the problem here.

KH1 had plenty of mature themes :\ Sora being 14 might make it seem not like it, but people losing their Hearts and their worlds and princesses getting kidnapped all over the place and best friends since childhood beating each other up and omg Sora comitting suicide to protect everyone he ever cared for? What's not Mature about any of that?
And zomg, CoM/Re:CoM not being mature? Sora leaping at people when they have their backs turned on them, mind-fuck to the max and him about ready to beat Donald and Goofy up for the love of his life? Everything and anything that went on in Riku's story? What's not mature about that?

I'm sorry, Sora effin singing Hakuna Matata when he has no reason to be this cheerful or "give up on the past and live in the present". That, my friend, is immature themes :\ not to mention crappy writing but that's a whole different issue.

This, Smile, is why I consider you a genius.

I disagree about your opinion on Kairi, but a similar post to this one here that you once made a long time ago (way before I even decided to join) was what got me to hate KH2's plot.


Apr 28, 2005
One thing I've always hated is when people call this a side story.

To me this story is actually a part of the game that if you don't experience either it be GBA, or PS2 you're not a real fan.

I'd more so call Roxas story the side story cause it wasn't that important.


Silver Member
Feb 4, 2009

No you are not.
But I don't agree with you.

I hate the card system, choosing what to level up, the worlds are just like they were in KH1 except with rooms and without the whole villain alliance.

Well the card system makes you THINK more rather than just plain button mashing.
Its strategical.

The storyline's deep and all but it didn't really appeal to me. I mean, your main objective is to save a girl who you've never met (well you sort of have since she's part of Kairi) and who doesnt technically exist.

Sora wants to save this girl because she's changing his memories so that she's in his life. And then once he's under her submissive order, then Marluxia can take command of the Keyblade and overthrow the organization.

And I hate story's where the main characters are clueless about stuff and we know whats going on. There are times when Sora would talk about Namine and I would yell " No you dumbass! It's Kairi! Kairi!"

He's clueless because he's having his memories rewritten. They forget things.
Namine is replacing his memories of Kairi with false memories of herself.

Keep in mind that I havent played Reverse Rebirth so this is all based on Sora's story.

All that I've told you is from Sora's story.
May 16, 2007
Well the card system makes you THINK more rather than just plain button mashing.
Its strategical.
So does more thought equate to better?
I'd also like to point out that this is still a button masher.

From the way I see it, the cards put emphasis on more analytical strategy than mechanical ones. You're not concerned about the actual enemy attack so much as you are with the number that accompanies it at the bottom of the screen. Special moves, rather than requiring extra prowess, need only a zero card to be avoided, or a higher number.

That shift in concern totally detracts from the actual fight.
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