Well reading your latest update......je must think.
Please wait
Okay. Enough silly business. Wow, this girl is flirty to the max. I mean she rests her head on your shoulder, holds another guy's hands, rubs it in your face.... Not only does it seem like she's trying to lead all sorts of guys on, but she's enjoying it a lot too. *sigh* Unforunately, Deeman, she may be great, charming, etc. But she really doesn't seem dedicated/loyal to her boyfriend. I know you say she is, but physically intimacy (even holding hands, and esp. resting head on shoulders) is a complete no-no. She just can't be doing that. If you were in a relationship with her, I'm sure you would not want her doing that. If she respected her boyfriend, she sure as hell wouldn't.
In any case, it's good that you've had a conversation. Argh...I hate telling people that their feelings are not well founded, but I think this is a case. I know you're thinking that I just don't know what you're feeling. And I could very well say "I've been there," but that will no more convince you. So I just want you to think about what I'm saying and consider for yourself how well-founded your crush is.
She's beautiful. True. She's funny. True. She's charming. True. She's intelligent. True. All good qualities but of course. But these observed qualities are stuff anyone can notice. Classmates, friends, teachers, you name it. I would say that relationships must begin with a great friendship. A deep friendship. Do you know her secrets (maybe not her deepest)? Do you know her feelings on a day to day basis? Do you know some of her flaws? Have you done anything out of your way for her? Has she done it in return? Does she share her day to day happenings with you on a regular basis? Or not? Do you? How much do you know of her family and other friendships and how they are going?
These aren't meant to be demanding/attacking questions, but sincere ones. By the sounds of it, most of the time, you are going to say "No, I have not done that. No, she has not done that." And this would suggest that your friendship does not run deep. And if that doesn't go far, how well do you truly know her? Yes, she is interesting. Someone you would like to know more of. But don't get too lost in it, like your head is spinning, like you want to say "it's love." Because yes, I have been there. Everytime it's been "No, I'm not in love." Except, for the last time, when I fell in love with my best friend.
I hope that by keeping you thinking about these things it'll sort everything out. Keep us updated Deeman.
Edit: Contrary to Mikail (no hard feelings?

), I'd say don't tell her how you feel unless you are quite sure she feels the same. This is because it will be awkward. You can only tell her when you are willing to sacrifice the friendship. It is impossible to continue a friendship properly after that has happened. So don't be too hasty on it.