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More Vjump Scans

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Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Okay let's say that it is Disney Castle, the corner stone of light is meant to keep evil people out. So does that mean that MX isn't actually evil at that point?

Plus if it is Disney Castle we may get to see Pete being banished. I suppose if Pete turned evil while he was in Disney Castle the corner stone couldn't keep him out. Since I guess it just keeps evil from getting in, but what if someone good turned evil while they were already in Disney Castle? I suppose this is what might happen to Pete and then Mickey banishes him to another dimmension.

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Okay let's say that it is Disney Castle, the corner stone of light is meant to keep evil people out. So does that mean that MX isn't actually evil at that point?

Plus if it is Disney Castle we may get to see Pete being banished. I suppose if Pete turned evil while he was in Disney Castle the corner stone couldn't keep him out. Since I guess it just keeps evil from getting in, but what if someone good turned evil while they were already in Disney Castle? I suppose this is what might happen to Pete and then Mickey banishes him to another dimmension.

I think the Stone keeps Darkness from entering, not evil.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
I think the Stone keeps Darkness from entering, not evil.

Minnie said that the cornerstone protects the castle from worlds that are evil. Not once did she ever mention anything about darkness.

If it protected against darkness then no one could enter the castle because everyone has darkness in their heart.

Any news on the rumoured apprentice scans?

The magazine scans are suppose to release tonight because it's the 21st in Japan right now.


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah, I thought the fantasia thing might be part of Mickey's D-Link.

Or that 'Sorcerer-Mickey' appears on the Command-Board. All they said was something about there being 'Fantasia-elements', and that could mean a plethora of different things.

Alright, i just wanted to make sure. I hope I didn't offend you by asking if you were assuming. If I did offend then please forgive me.

Offend? These are teh 1nt3rW3bz, d00d!!0!01!1!0! =P

What are you talking about? I don't see a- oh sh!t. You're right.

But still, that doesn't automatically make it Disney Castle.

Yes, but it does increase the overall-likelihood. It's a clever-tactic Disney's been using for literally decades. Ironic to see how Nomura's picked-up on it. Plus, what other World could possibly feature that sort of blatant-reference?

That, and the fact that it's white.

Which also helps. Master-Xehanort's presence there certainly is intriguing... dinner-party?

Okay let's say that it is Disney Castle, the corner stone of light is meant to keep evil people out. So does that mean that MX isn't actually evil at that point?

Or perhaps he's somehow immune to the CornerStone's effects? Or maybe the CornerStone wasn't even created until after the events of Birth-by-Sleep, and it's those said events which initially prompt its creation?

Many distinct possibilities. Same as with everything else.

Plus if it is Disney Castle we may get to see Pete being banished. I suppose if Pete turned evil while he was in Disney Castle the corner stone couldn't keep him out. Since I guess it just keeps evil from getting in, but what if someone good turned evil while they were already in Disney Castle? I suppose this is what might happen to Pete and then Mickey banishes him to another dimmension.

Oh that would be cool to see Pete's banishment.

If the game touches upon any aspect from the past of Disney-Castle, IMHO, it needs to be this. Pete's turn to evil was seemingly caused by his jealousy over Mickey being chosen as King of their World (hmm... 'jealousy' is a negative-emotion...). Also, there was never any indication his reign-of-terror extended beyond the borders of Disney-Castle.

So, hopefully, it will show both Pete's banishment, and his eventual release, courtesy of Maleficent. That should also include her motives for wanting to do so, and just how she even knew about Pete (and his predicament) in the first-place.

So do we have a translation on the screens yet?

Sort of. Not everything can be seen clearly, though.

I think the Stone keeps Darkness from entering, not evil.

In this Universe, the two are practically synonymous. However, that may change.

Any news on the rumoured apprentice scans?

As-in, actual scans? Nada. Should be soon, I'd reckon. If there's none by the time my own issue arrives, I might consider scanning the full-pages myself.

Minnie said that the cornerstone protects the castle from worlds that are evil. Not once did she ever mention anything about darkness.

Again, those terms can be considered somewhat interchangeable with this franchise. Not to an overwhelming extent, nor the degree it used to be, but it's still there.

The magazine scans are suppose to release tonight because it's the 21st in Japan right now.

Yet, it's always dependent on whether people actually have the desire to (in some cases it can cause damage/ruin it). Not every magazine containing information gets scanned, unfortunately.
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Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Thing is that Mickey and Riku acknowledged Darkness is not always evil so the two are not the same.

Plus like I have said if the cornerstone kept those of darkness out then no one could enter the castle because everyone has darkness in their heart.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
I'm pretty sure Terra is heartless Ansem/Apprentice (to Ansem) Xehanort/Xemnas.A fusion of MX and Terra.

Terra and Apprentice Xehanort look as strikingly similar as "Dark" Riku and Vanitas.

I think MX was trying to look for a new body, Vanitas as well. To continue on, like Ventus possibly continues on in Sora, latent inside of his heart, his appearance (and possibly personality?) "comes out" as Roxas.

I think Vanitas and Master Xehanort are searching for a way to obtain a new body, or to continue on, and the armor is his current body. The vanity theme, as someone said earlier, that it was vain to gain things in this life because it's ephemeral. He would be vainly continuing himself over and over. And as for the "TERRA IS RIKU!!1111111" stuff, during the conversation with Sora in KH2FM, I believe he said "You are not the Chosen" not "You're not the one I have chosen"?

Also, I think that maybe Terra and Vanitas are somehow connected, then. Maybe they're one-in-the-same? "When will you ever see Terra again?" or whatever he said. Don't you think that implies that...maybe they're the same? It would also explain the formal relationship Ven and Vanitas seem to have.
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New member
Aug 30, 2008
I'm pretty sure you spelled "you're" wrong.

Also I didn't mean I was totally sure, it's a figure of speech. I was just speculating and wanted to know what people thought? Like...look at a picture of Apprentice Xehanort.

Xehanort - Kingdom Hearts Wiki - A world of information not accessible by Gummiship

It's hard to deny.


  • Strangely, Xehanort's hair is similar to Terra's hair. Plus, at the end of the Birth by Sleep movie clip, Terra's eyes turned yellow.
  • In the scene in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days where Xemnas is conversing with Roxas at the Dark Meridian, Xemnas seems to be almost friendly to Roxas, and puts a hand on his shoulder before leaving. This action along with the rest of the scene almost exactly mirrors Terra's conversation with Ventus in a scene in the upcoming game, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep.
  • Due to the similarities mentioned above, as well as the fact that Xehanort was found after the Keyblade War with no memories about his past, some fans speculate that Xehanort and Terra are the same person, or he is to believed to be Vanitas.

Not to mention, if Terra really did choose Riku to wield the KK, then it would make sense for Vanitas and Terra to be the same. Just makes sense to me, y'know? And I want to know other people's opinions.
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Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2008
That is all you have
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