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Fanfiction ► Not So Heartless Anymore: Codenamed Danger Penguin XD

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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Ketso rubbed his head, staring at the ground. He massaged his temples; this deciding your past stuff was hard.

"Are we done yet?" the boy groaned. Reynaldo looked up from his Turtle-Computer surprised.

"Heavens, no!"

"Well, what do we have so far?"

"Well, gub-gub. We decided that you were born ten years from now, but you came back here when you were an infant. And nobody cares how, gub-gub. We can get rid of that silly old wing, if you want-"

"Good. Now I don't have to worry about exploding when I get my stupid heart." Ketso said, instantly feeling as if a great burden had been lifted. The bird that had been sitting on his head flew away. He felt ten times lighter. Then, he felt the power of the stupid wing go away.

"-And it no longer says that you like pottery. You can keep all your friends this way, and we can make them believe you, at least. Now, last question."

"I thought you said we weren't close to being done!" Ketso said, confused. Reynaldo looked grave.

"Times have changed since then."

"They have not! It's been one minute!"

"I told you they changed."

"Enough of this! What was the last question?" Ketso said, annoyed. Reynaldo was too dramatic.

"Oh yes, Gub-gub. I forgot about that, gub-gub." Reynaldo looked at the turtle. Then, he looked back up at Ketso. "Do you still want them as your parents, or do you want knew ones?"

"Who?" Ketso asked, excitedly. He didn't know who his parents were. He had been waiting a long time to find out. In fact, he-

This'd be a cool time to stall. I mean seriously. You people all wanna figure out who his parents are, and it'd be exciting and all. Actually, I-


Reynaldo looked again. "Rikku and Gerard. Do you want them as your parents, or do you want knew ones?"

Ketso looked extremely disturbed. "Gerard is my brother. He can't be my father too! Then he would've married his mother, and if that's Rikku-"

Reynaldo slapped Ketso and the turtle vomited. Reynaldo frowned. "He's not your brother! According to these new, flawless records, he's your father. Not brother. Whoever was typing up the first record must not have been a very good 1337-to-human translator!"

It was as if Ketso had been socked in the stomach. "So... In ten years, Rikku and Gerard are gonna get married and have me?!"

"I don't know if they'll be married." Reynaldo frowned. "But apparently they're going to have a kid. Either they're married in the future, or Gerard's not paying child-support. Whichever."

Ketso was shocked. Gerard?! A father?! A GOOD father?! No way! "So... That whole... Destiny Island thing-"

"-Van made a mistake when he placed you on Destiny Island. He put you in the wrong time period. Apparently, everybody lives on Destiny Island now. He put you there twenty five years early. Foolish boy."

"But everyone's still in there!" Ketso said, pointing to the apartment complex. But they weren't. They were just moving boxes into a gummi. Apparently they had forgotten some stuff, or had inherited something from some dead guy. Whatever the reason, one thing was certain. Gerard, Rikku, and the others did NOT live there anymore.

"So what're we gonna do now?" Ketso asked, suddenly feeling sad.

"We are going to Destiny Islands. We will re-introduce you there. You will have a fake past, and you can decide whether you want to reveal the truth. If they ask, you can't remember where you moved from. If you tell them the truth, you're just going to have to tell them you chose to live life in their time period. Because... Invent an excuse. That's if you tell them the truth, though."

"Oh. Well, it's going to take a while to get their trust back."

"No, I can make them suddenly want to be friends with you. But I have a feeling that blonde boy won't want to be your buddy."

"No, he wouldn't. That's fine, I guess." Ketso looked around. Suddenly, he was wearing island-ish clothes. It looked as if Destiny Island had spewed on cue all over him. He looked in disgust at the clothes. He missed his other set.

"Well," Ketso said, standing up. "I guess I'm ready to start over."

Reynaldo threw the Turtle somewhere, nodded, and twirled around in a circle. When it seemed as if he would fall over, he shouted "Destiny Island!" and they were gone.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D


WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY "START ALL OVER"?! WHAT KINDA [bleep] IS THAT?! THAT'S [bleeping] [bleep]!!!! [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep] *fumes silently* >_<

*takes deep breathes*

Ok....I'm calm.....fer now. >_> *takes anger out on Sora plushie*

~After a while~

Sora plushie: *really fricked up* x_X

me: *now taking anger out on Kairi plushie* >_<


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Ketso stared at the familiar island scene unfolding around him. He was saddened at the thought of all the horrible memories, but he was excited to try again. He really did love the Islands. They weren't Traverse Town- Which Ketso had always been partial to- but this was a nice place. The blue-green water splashed against his ankles, and the salty scent of the sea descened upon him. He breathed in deep, stretching out his limbs. He decided that these old island clothes weren't bad, but they weren't his choice style. Then he walked around to see the orphanage.

There was a grave in front of it. "That's morbid!"

"Gub-gub, who died?" Reynaldo wondered. Ketso saw that the little penguin had parked himself in Ketso's hair. He didn't mind, so long as Reynaldo didn't-

"Carp!" Reynaldo said, happily. "This place reminds me of the carp I used to eat. So full of life."

"We're staring at a grave."

"But it's still full of life!"

"DEAD life."

"Who died?" Reynaldo wondered aloud again. Ketso got down on his hands and knees and stared at the tiny words engraved on the stone.

"Me, apparently." Ketso said, surprised. His name was scrawled across the stone.

"Corpses scare me," Reynaldo shuddered.

"Well, I'm obviously not in there!" Ketso rolled his eyes. He stepped inside the orphanage. There were only a few people around.

Kairi and Tidus were holding hands. Ketso was sickened, but he looked around. They were the only ones there.

"Excuse me?" Kairi said suddenly, dropping Tidus's hand. "Can I help you?"

"Oh... No... But didn't there used to be an orphanage here?" Ketso backed away uncomfortably as Kairi stepped forward. Too close. She was hideous, and he didn't like her. She seemed to get lost in his gaze.

"What?" Kairi asked dreamily. Ketso glared at her and turned around. He walked out of the old building, and sat down on the beach.

"That Kairi is one easy, sleazy chick," Ketso said, shaking his head.

"Exactly what I say!" A familiar voice said. Ketso swore he could've grown a heart at that moment, if he hadn't been being crushed by a hard hug. Her voice.

"Who are you, Eligible Bishie?" Myra asked. Ketso nearly faltered, but he told himself that he was starting out fresh.

"I'm Ketso."

"Ketso, you are extreme hottness. Be mine."

Ketso laughed, but his grin faded as an angry blonde boy approached. The boy crossed his arms, appearing non-chalant, but he gave Ketso a glare when Myra looked away.

"Incredible hottness, I am Myra. Kaze, this is Incredible Hottness. Ketso, this is Mah Cloudy-Wolf Clone, and he is incredibly foxay." Myra said, clutching Kaze's arm.

She pulled him down, so they were sitting with her in the middle. She became distracted by a shiny sea-shell, during which time Ketso and Kaze exchanged nasty looks.

"Myra! Kaze! What the heck?! HELP OUT, STUFFERS!" Ketso instinctively put his hands over his head as if to ward off a blow when he heard that voice. Piku. She looked at him as if he were crazy.

"Who are you, Stuffer?" Piku asked. Ketso cleared his throat.

"My name is Ketso-"

"OKAY, JEEZ. I don't need yer life story." She looked him over, scrutinizing him like the first time they met. "You some kinda pansy?"

"Don't be mean, Piku!" Myra said, suddenly, and the two started fighting. Ketso slipped away, looking for the others. Then, he saw something that made him very angry.

Yuna and some chick were slobbering over Gerard. They both waved and winked at Ketso's father. Gerard blushed and hurried after Rikku. Ketso glared. If he wasn't going to do something, Ketso would.


"It's not worth it." Someone said from behind Ketso. He didn't turn around. He knew who it was.

"The Cactaur calls for the Chocobo." Amme said.

"But only so it may Stuff it's Muffin." Now Ketso turned around. Amme nodded. She pointed back at the stupid girls.

"Those two. They're a problem. Rikku and Gerard just broke up because of them." Ketso's eyes widened. Gerard! How could you mess this up?! Wasn't she yer "Lady Rikku" or something?!

"What?! Well, we gotta get them back together!" Ketso said, worriedly.

"You act like your life depends on it," Amme smirked. Ketso laughed nervously.

"That's a good thing." Amme said reassuringly. Ketso pointed after Gerard, who was now walking away from Rikku. He couldn't find the words. Amme just held up a hand and nodded. She suddenly plucked Reynaldo off of Ketso's head.

"You seem familiar."

"We have much to talk about, gub-gub." Reynaldo nodded. The two walked off, forgetting Ketso. The blonde boy looked between Rikku and Gerard. He knew Gerard. Sort of. He was still nervous about Rikku. So he set off in the direction of his father, glad again that he didn't have a heart. It would've been too heavy, and Ketso wouldn't have had enough courage to talk to Gerard.

Gerard paused as Ketso followed him up to the island connected to the mainland by a small bridge. The older boy drew his sword. Ketso had to override his instincts to draw any weapon possible. Gerard turned around to face the boy.

Ketso realized just how much they looked alike. Hair and a few of the features Ketso got from Rikku were the only thing that seperated the two from looking like clones.

Kesto suddenly didn't know what to say. This was stupid. Why had he come up? Did he just expect Gerard to say, "Hey! Aren't you my child that I haven't had yet?" Ketso opened his mouth to say something, but Gerard raised a hand.

"There's something about you... That makes me think... of Rikku." Ketso was relieved at first, but then Gerard glowered at the sand. "And thinking about Rikku puts me in a really bad mood right now."

And then Gerard charged.
So now we're right up with RLM3. Weird. o_O;
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May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
EEP!! NUUUUUU!! *smacks Ger with Keyblades* YOU EVEN TOUCH KETSO-KUN, AND I WILL GO UKBARM ALL UP AND DOWN YO' ASS!!!!! *twirls Keyblades menacingly* >_>

*in a much hyper/happy voice* That was...better...AND LONG!! FREAKIN' LONG!! *-* And....somewhat cheerful.....ish....*huggles Kaze & Ketso* It's this rivalry all over again....-_-;;....


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Weird... Didn't KY have that

Kaze_Krazy said:
I'll go all UKBARM up and down yo ass

quote in his sig? Time travel sure is weird...

But really. Nice update. More. Now. Or else.


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Ketso stared in disbelief as he slid across the sand, huge clouds of dust following him. He stared at the sky, weakly. Had he been relying on the power of the wing for his whole life? Is that why he felt so weak? Well, he knew one thing.

"I can't belive," Ketso stared, standing up. Blood flew from his back, and a bruise formed on his stomach from where the flat of the blade had struck him. He clutched his stomach with his only hand. "I can't believe that you'd hurt a cripple. Are you that delerious?"

Bad word choice, Ketso thought as he was sent flying accross the island. He felt a hard smack as his body crashed into water, breaking it's surface tension and letting Ketso sink ((CURSE YOU SURFACE TENSION! AND THAT STUPID PAPER I HAD TO WRITE ON YOU!)).

His eyes became hard to keep open. Suddenly, he saw Gerard and a few others towering over him, silhouetted by the sun.

"Get him inside." Ketso didn't know who had said it, but he didn't care. In his last few seconds of conciousness, he was wondering why that blow hurt more than any other he had ever felt.

A few minutes later, Ketso woke up in a small wooden room. He looked around. He hoped this wasn't stupid Kairi's house. He shuddered just thinking about it. Luckily, he saw Sora's head pop into the room.

"Hello!" Sora said, happily. He didn't say anything for a while. Ketso waited patiently.

"Oh!" Sora said, finally remembering. "You have an arm."

Ketso looked from side to side. "Yeah... And two legs, too."

"No!" Sora said, stupidly. "We gave you auto-mail so that you have two arms."

Ketso noticed the throbbing pain in his now silver arm as he stared at Sora. "Yeah."

"Yeah," Sora agreed. They sat in silence for a long time. Then, Sora stood up and left. He crashed into the door before realizing that it had to be open if he wanted to go through it.

Ketso felt like he needed to give his brain a jolt after talking to Sora. It was weird. After sitting in silence for a while, Reynaldo and Amme came in. Ketso sat up.

Amme held Reynaldo in her arms. "My master has used much of his strength to make me remember. But I believe I can make the others remember you too. It might take some time."

"Yeah, that's fine. Uh... Is Gerard coming?" Ketso was scared, but he wanted to see his father. Amme nodded.

Ketso sat back, waiting. Amme and Reynaldo talked about how stupid Van was, right up until Gerard came in. Amme stood up, and Ketso wondered if she would draw a weapon. She didn't. Gerard was calm.

"I'm sorry," Gerard said, looking down. "If I'd known you were crippled, I wouldn't have-"

"-Been an idiot?" Amme suggested bitterly. Ketso tried to hide a wince as he smiled forgivingly.

"I don't know what came over me." Gerard said darkly. Amme muttered something about Testosterone Coated Muns, but Ketso didn't catch it. Suddenly, Gerard's eyes flicked over to Reynaldo. He stared at the little penguin for a long time. Ketso wondered what was going on.

A strand of drool ran down Gerard's mouth. He wiped his chin quickly, but Ketso had seen it. Gerard shifted uncomfortably.

"Amme, do you think I could hold that thing?"


Gerard's eyes flashed with anger as he looked at little Reynaldo hungrily. Amme looked at Ketso.

"I'm making them remember as we speak. Myra first."

The last two words were unnecessary, as Ketso was suddenly tackled by Myra.

"Ketso!" She said, tears in her eyes. She hugged him hard. "You're back!"

Ketso was filled with warmth. Someone remembered. Two people now. But Gerard and Rikku couldn't remember. He had to regain their trust the hard way. If they remembered his so-called past, they'd just be more confused when he told them that he was their son. And now, with them having broken up, he couldn't tell them.

Yuna walked in. "Hi, Ketso. I remember you, now."

Every female in the room plus Ketso glared at Yuna. "Uhuh."

"We're friends," Yuna said inaccurately.

"Uhuh," Ketso said sarcastically. He turned to Amme. "Who else remembers?"

Amme threw Reynaldo, suddenly. It nearly hit Ketso in the head, but Gerard caught the little penguin first. He held it tightly, and Reynaldo squirmed a bit.

"Pengy!" Gerard said, with a wild look in his eye. Reynaldo squeaked.

"Pengy looks tastey!" Gerard said suddenly.


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Do I get to eat Reynaldo? Or just put him in my mouth and wait for him to swim down my esophogus?


Nice update though.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

GET GER AWAY FROM REY-REY!!! *grabs and runs*

Oh, almost forgot. *goes Ukbarm all up and down Ger's ass* THAT WAS FOR KETSO-KUN!!!! >_> *huggles Ketso's shiny auto-mail* WEE-HEE!!! ^-^

Haha! I laugh at yer stupidity, Sora!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! >=D

Sora:...*coughhereditarycough* ^-^

meh: O_O NUUUUUUU!!!! >_<


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
>_< Hereditary! XDDDDD

I mean...


Anyway, you get to see the Ultra Pengy Surprise in the next chap.
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