It's a concrete fact that I will be circumventing this forum by all means necessary once Birth By Sleep releases in Japan. I avoided 358/2 Days as if it would give me full blown AIDS. I was extraordinarily paranoid about spoilers. I would always without fail enter Ctrl+F and type in "Xion" in the event I read anything related to Kingdom Hearts. But before I would input the enter key, I would always tilt my head away from the monitor. If I noticed the screen shifted downward whatsoever at the corner of my eye, that would instantly alert me that Xion is referenced and I had better GTFO otherwise I would get spoiled. I am thankful that's finally over with. I discovered Xion's true identity on my own, and it made the game much more emotional for me. an above poster said about getting spoiled by the OST. I was simply listening to "Rage Awakened" on Youtube, only for some pretentious idiot to pose -Insert Name- Final Battle. I was...infuriated, almost to the extent I was going to send him an influx of hate induced messages. But I got over it.
However, I was never heavily anticipating Days. I limpidly recall dismissing any updates KHI made about it (scans, impressions, pictures, trailers, the whole nine yards) and said "Oh, more Days...nothing about BBS." and lost all interest. And because I appreciate Birth By Sleep more, I will avoid the KH universe all together aside from the games I already own. This story seems far too epic to get sullied. It's horrendous enough I spoiled every last detail about KH2 due to my chronic impatience *sighs*