OK, here we go...
"King Mickey!" Sora yelled. The throneroom echoed with the sounds of the boy's screams. Riku merely stared at the limp form of the king, hatred burning his eyes. Suddenly, a scraping sound softly resonated throughout. Riku summoned his keyblade and nudged sora, who did the same. They looked at the door way, the small door in the bottom open just a crack. Riku motioned Sora to follow him, and the two made their way to the door.
"Okay, on the count of three, we go out and see who it is,"Riku commanded. Sora nodded dumbly."Okay, 1...2...3!"
They burst throught the doorway into the hall. Sora lashed out at a figure, knocking him flat. Riku pulled his blade back to strike, then abruptly stopped.
"Sora! Stop!"
Sora stood up and looked at the two figures.
"Owww..." one of them said.
"Oh, sorry. Didn't know it was you guys."
Donald and Goofy looked at Sora and Riku with mock hatred, then they all broke out laughing.
"Gawrsh," Goofy began. "Its so good to see you guys."
"Yeah, its been awhile," Donald agreed.
Sora and Riku nodded and smiled. Riku broke the happy moment.
"So, what happened here?"
Donald and Goofy exchanged glances, then they sighed in unison. "Come on in to the library, and we'll tell you the story," Goofy sulkily replied. The knight and mage walked towards the library, and the keybearers obediently followed.
Completely off the top of my head, but there you have it.