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TV ► What shows have you dropped?



Slippery People
May 10, 2004
There is an overwhelming amount of quality TV shows, too often mere clicks away. Between work and school I find myself having to carefully choose what I want to do in free time, which meant that some of these shows had to go. What shows have you dropped, and why?

Arrow is a particularly glaring example: I had picked it up last season because it was recommended to me but it fell fast in season three from its highs with the Deathstroke storyline. These days? The Batman parallels have become blatant, and it isn't nearly as fun as its own spinoff The Flash, which actually even feels like a comic book. Oliver is written to always be dark and broody about something, and often unnecessarily butts heads with one of his team members if only to play up the show's fatigued melodrama. I haven't watched an episode since the return from the mid-season break; truthfully, the only reason I had even made it to that point was because of Willa Holland but even then they stick her character with a shit storyline. Think I'll just compensate with her IG. (And she's got one for her photography, as well!)

Deleted member 36435

The Walking Dead is probably one of the few notable shows that I can think of that I dropped completely. I watched the first 2 seasons. Season 1 was alright while Season 2 was a resounding meh at first then just completely shit towards the end. I couldn't take all these ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STUPID people being the last people on earth. I actually wanted them all to die so humanity wouldn't be based off their god awful genetics. Any rational person would have stopped this group of idiots from doing half the dumb shit they decided was their best course of action. And the dialogue and delivery of said dialogue? Atrocious. "HERE ARE YOUR ABORTION PILLS!" I wish my mom had taken those so I wouldn't have to suffer through this fucking garbage.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
I dropped Game of Thrones. I neither liked the themes of the series nor the fact that people just die all the time. I did not find it thrilling either. Might give it another go some day, but I don't think I'll get far this time.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
tbh silh i have to say, arrow has picked up since S4 started and oliver isn't as broody. S3 was garbage. on topic?

ultimate spiderman. absolute shit.
Quantico, idk why, just not my cup of tea.
Blindspot, same tbh. i just used it as filler.
i'm glad minority report and the player were cancelled.

thinking of dropping Once Upon A Time due to it's stupid fucking characters and inconsistent motivations. i really thought the show would pick up after the S4 finale but they immediately plunged into a much worse obscurity then i thought possible, killinh off they're underutilized characters and making up dumbass solutions to their own problems.

Reagan Rayden

Exploding Man
Dec 29, 2005
Highly doubt I'll get to watching Once Upon a Time. Show is just mostly boring outside of season 1.

Really not that interested in even starting season 2 of Agent Carter.


Sep 25, 2010
There's probably other shows I could list -- so I'll add them later if I remember them at all. The other complication with too many shows to watch is the time slot they share, so I've dropped a lot of stuff on Tuesday nights.

Super Girl
- I died out of boredom. The love triangle was aggravating to sit through and the characters weren't believable enough for me at all. I felt like I was in some bad chick flick that felt predictable left and right. The quality wasn't all that great either, and I wasn't feeling it enough to want to keep watching it after three episodes in. (And I also dropped it, because it became inconvenient to watch when I got home at 8.pm. on Mondays.)

Teen Wolf - The seasons previously were way better in story telling than what we're getting now. What the heck happened to it being about the main characters? Now we have a support casting who are exactly the same as the main characters, except with different names and less self control. I tried giving it the benefit of the doubt, but it's like any subplots beforehand were dropped, and there's a lot of loose ends never further elaborated on. So I was done with it after four seasons in. The only bright side to it was the music in all honesty.

Game of Thrones - The last two seasons have felt slightly boring, except for what happen with Stannis, Danny, and Jon Snow. Everything else about it sucked, because I couldn't get myself to care about what everyone else was doing. Certain plots took too long to execute and some scenes quite frankly, could've been done a helluva better. The first two seasons were entertaining to watch, because it had everything a HBO original would provide. That is until the quality started to drop seasons later, and the story telling started to drag its heels into the dirt like a dog not wanting to go in after playing outside in the dirt.

Vampire Diaries - I couldn't watch another season with so much melodrama over the stupidest of things. Season four should've been where they stopped, because honest to god, every season is about what Elena wants and needs, and which brother she's dating. Oh and let's not forget who wants to kill them next. For gods sake, pick a villain and stick to it! I've read fan-fiction that's way better than the crap they're giving us. Heck, even the books were good until the Ghost Writer took over. I know Vampire Diaries to most people is utter garbage unless you're in it for the guys or simply like romance. I simply had too much time on my hands until I got sick of the same rinse and repeat cycle of problems showing up.

Big Bang Theory - Unfortunately, I dropped it because, it comes on at the exact same time as DC's Legends of Tomorrow. I could watch it online, if I really wanted to. Therefore, I'm not in a hurry to see what's going after watching all of the seasons previously, because a lot of the characters are hooking up, getting married, having kids, and ect. So after so long, you start to see there's nothing else getting in the way for this show to end, and everyone in the show will most likely have a happy ending at some point or another. I kind of wish there was a way to erase all of the seasons I've seen, so it'd be like watching it for the first time again.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
For those who have dropped Game of Thrones, I highly--HIGHLY--recommend giving the books a chance. The show, from the get-go, has sexualized things more than the books ever did--have been more brutal and cruel (especially to female characters)--and the show and the books are just not the same plot/story at all anymore.

The show has also killed off people who haven't died (yet) in ASoIaF, and ruined some GREAT plotlines (*cough* like Sansa being in the eyrie, and not being raped and abused and junk, and really learning to play the game of thrones and nearly being the lady of that place *cough*), also Arianne:

In the books, Arianne is a character who, like her family, wants to get revenge for Elia Martell (who was married to the Mad King, and that the Lannisters killed during their sacking of King's Landing), and who wants to become ruler of her own land.

There's this great part in A Storm of Swords, I believe (though I may be wrong on the book; they're starting to blur together in my head) where she wants to get Marcella Lannister on the throne (for she'd actually come to care for the girl, and believed that as the elder sibling to Tommen that she should be Queen, and also to start a war against the Lannisters who wanted Tommen on the throne), but on the show they butcher this plot by having them just want to kill Marcella.

Also, Arianne doesn't even exist in the show. They gave her part to a man.

I also feel like the show really sabotages Daenerys' character...

ANYWAY, I've given up on "Limitless", I think. I LOVED the characters on this show, and the humor and normal things that characters want to do on that (like the main character having his own office called "headquarters"); this show has great whimsy, and it's refreshing, but that's oddly why I'm quitting the show? I think it tries TOO hard to not take itself seriously. If it was just a bit more serious, and a bit more solid, I'd love this show, but alas.

I'm also close to abandoning "Blindspot". I just really don't like the main actor on the show, and that he's angry all the time? If the story maybe give some justification for it it would be one thing, but so far it hasn't? There are other parts of the show I have issues with, too, but I'm willing to give it one more chance.

Edit: I have such a love/hate relationship with Shadowhunters right now: more often than not it's hate that I feel for it. The show (aside from it's TERRIBLE third episode) does get better with each one, which is good, but it is NOT "The Mortal Instruments" series that I know and love at all (and I think I might like the TMI movie better, even though that wasn't that great, either). But since I love Cassandra Clare's world so very much, and (stupidly) haven't given up hope yet, I'll probably at least watch until the end of the season at least (and probably deeply regret it). The show does have some good things about it, but there's also a whole lot of bad.
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Eternal Dream

The Messenger
Dec 12, 2006
Running for daylight, sleepless...
I'd been teetering on the edge with Sleepy Hallow since the first season. Being a writer myself, it was the way that the script was handled, like the writers had to force the characters into idiot situations to tell the story. It's disappointing, really; the show had such promise in my opinion; but then, they introduce a plot line near the end of season two that could have been interesting, and instead of playing it out in a new way, they went the predictable route, and I haven't even started on season three because of it. I've got a ton of stuff to do between work, school, and writing, so I don't watch series if they can't keep me engaged. This one keeps throwing me out because, just when the writing seems good, they throw utter garbage in.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
Castle: I actually haven't dropped this one, and have rather only started to truly watch it, but I feel like I probably should be dropping it (and that a lot of people probably have), and yet it's the bad things about it that keep me watching?

Let me explain. For years my family has watched Castle all the time when we were having reunions, or something, and it used to annoy me (mainly because I got so sick of it, and had seen the episodes so many times that I could quote them all... same thing with NCIS, actually; it was also kind of annoying that my sister and I could never choose what we watched), but somewhere along the line I actually ended up liking Castle, but I was too proud to admit at and truly watch/pay attention to the episodes.

...Until this season when they had Castle and Beckett temporarily break up. And I was so mad and shocked by it (and thought it was such crap), that I finally sucked it up, admitted I liked the show, and started watching the whole season just to see them get back together. I feel like this might end up being the last season, though. I could be wrong, however, but it just seems like the writers are running out of ideas to me.

Girl Meets World: This one I haven't intentionally dropped. I just feel behind on it, and thought I couldn't watch new episodes of it because of that (though now I sometimes do when I happen to catch them), but I could take or leave this show. The writing of it also sort of bothers me.

I just... I can't always understand the lessons they're trying to give? Like, with Boy Meets World, I could always see what Feenie had been trying to get at, and how point A had led to point B, but with this... not so much. Some of the way they connect things just seems forced to me--it doesn't seem to gel at all--and sometimes it just leaves me scratching my head, in trying to figure out what they were going for or how something was supposed to mesh. IDK.


The Origin
Sep 11, 2008
Arrow. It felt like there was constantly petty shit getting in the way of the actual plot I cared about because of the side characters, couldn't get more than about a fourth of the way into Season 2. I really wanted to keep going because I love the character, but it just wasn't doing it for me.


bronze member
Nov 2, 2011
Albuquerque, NM
I actually dropped Escaflowne, because the characters were annoying. I mean, the female protagonist was all over one of the male characters, Allan, because he reminded her so much of her boyfriend back on earth. She pretty much lied to one of the other female protagonist, who also had a crush on Allan and got her to marry some rich guy. The rich guy was going to die and the female protagonist's tarrot cards told her that Allan was meant to be with the princess.

The attitudes of the characters were just insufferable, especially of the female protagonist.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Dropped Teen Wolf because I'm not sure why but after the season with the Nogitsune, I haven't been emotionally invested. Also Tyler Hoechlin not being a series regular really made my interests plummet. I'll probably catch up with it one day, but not right now.

Supergirl. I tried, but it wasn't holding my attention.

Sleepy Hollow is one of those shows that gives me mixed feelings. I support it because it has a very diverse cast, but the direction S2 took really rubbed me the wrong way. S3's first half didn't feel right, either, and the crossover with Bones was very cringeworthy. It felt unnatural. Ichabod and Abbie's relationship stagnated quite a bit, too. Ichabod and the new girl work off of each other better than Ichabod and Abbie do, but I hate everything about Pandora so I'm very uninterested.

I actually dropped Escaflowne, because the characters were annoying. I mean, the female protagonist was all over one of the male characters, Allan, because he reminded her so much of her boyfriend back on earth. She pretty much lied to one of the other female protagonist, who also had a crush on Allan and got her to marry some rich guy. The rich guy was going to die and the female protagonist's tarrot cards told her that Allan was meant to be with the princess.

The attitudes of the characters were just insufferable, especially of the female protagonist.

You might want to just watch the movie, then. It's a VAST improvement over the series. It is also very poignant and the cast is much more likable when their storylines are condensed down to a 1.5 hour film.


press △ to sora
Apr 29, 2015
I also dropped Teen Wolf after that season. I was already not really liking it but the nail in the coffin for me was when they wrote Danny out of the show.

i repeatedly drop OUAT only to get pulled back in like a year later. One day I'll leave for good ;-;


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
I dropped Bones a few years back. There was some poorly-written villain the writers were utterly in love. He always succeed no matter how nonsensical the plan and the main cast were turned into idiots. Thought they were finally ending him when he was finally caught, and what happens? He had his named changed, which somehow made the mountain of evidence against him (including a live victim if I remember correctly) null and he gets off scot-free. I had it at that point. Don't know if they ever got rid of that villain sue and I honestly don't care. Nothing can bring me back to that show.

Once Upon A Time. I liked the first season but after that it just got boring.

Supernatural. I got into it from the reruns on TNT. Watched the first 5 seasons and loved it, but everything after was...not very good.
Every season after 5 always started poor and clunky, then about half-way gets good again, then ends poorly. I would hold-off from watching my recordings of it longer and longer and I eventually gave up on the series.

You might want to just watch the movie, then. It's a VAST improvement over the series. It is also very poignant and the cast is much more likable when their storylines are condensed down to a 1.5 hour film.
I found the movie boring to be honest.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I also dropped Teen Wolf after that season. I was already not really liking it but the nail in the coffin for me was when they wrote Danny out of the show.

OH GOD DANNY. That was such a big bummer especially since they decided to reveal that he knew about the supernatural stuff going on in the show. I was so ready for a new season with Danny having a more key role in things, but NOPE.

Also certain things about Stiles and how TPTB handle his development post-Nogitsune stuff, the constantly weird teasing of his sexuality, him dating Malia...I don't like shows that can't decide where to take a fan-favorite character and just throw plot lines at them until something works for them.

I found the movie boring to be honest.

It is boring. I only remember it fondly because of the music, Hitomi being lured into Gaia, and the ending...not so much anything else in the movie.

I still believe it is better than the show, though. Hitomi is hardly as annoying. Essentially, everything that Dreaded_Desire hates about the series is gone so that alone makes it worth seeing haha


Slippery People
May 10, 2004
Supernatural. I got into it from the reruns on TNT. Watched the first 5 seasons and loved it, but everything after was...not very good.
Every season after 5 always started poor and clunky, then about half-way gets good again, then ends poorly. I would hold-off from watching my recordings of it longer and longer and I eventually gave up on the series.
I've stuck it out with SPN despite the inconsistency of quality post-S5, a lot of that due to my attachment to the characters. Also because there would be a great episode occasionally.

The current season has been firing on all cylinders.

Zero Sora

Now comes with 50% more bullshit
Apr 7, 2005
I was very late to the Supernatural train. I think I started watching it from season 1 last year. I heard good things so I decided to give it a try. I binge watched about 5-10 episodes a day. I enjoyed most of the episodes. Chuck was always fun, as was the Trickster whenever he showed up. Castiel was an interest and intriguing character. Sam and Dean were just lots of fun to watch on their adventures. Then season 6 happened. Something had changed with the writing. It just wasn't interesting or funny anymore. I think I lasted until episode 8 or something before I stopped watching. What the hell happened to that show? I have no desire to pick that show up again. I prefer it just to end at season 5 for me.

Man, I don't know. It's just...it was an interesting idea, but then they started shoehorning in all these young versions of characters that should have no interaction with each other until Bats arrives. Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle being friends. What the hell? I mean I get it. If you have access to the Batman mythos, why not use it? It just didn't appeal to me as much as a gritty crime show starting just Jim Gordon would have.

I haven't really dropped any other shows recently. I am on the edge about a lot of them though. I mainly keep them around for something to watch when I get bored.

The Walking Dead, the spark has kind of disappeared for me, but I will still continue to watch it for now. It just seems like the show has run it's course for me.

Supergirl... I want to love this show, I want it to be good. But instead of being about a kickass female superhero, it really just seems like a chick flick with superheroes. Doesn't anyone know how to write interesting female characters? A girl works as an assistant with a boss that doesn't appreciate her. She's falling in love with a guy in a relationship. Her dorky best friend has the hots for her but she doesn't see him that way. Tell me that doesn't sound like a chick flick to you. I don't know how much longer I can force myself to be interested in this show.


Break the Spell
May 18, 2007
Somewhere 2D
How I watch anime is basically a continual process of mass-dropping shows. The only shows I still watch weekly are Erased, Osamatsu-san, Grimgar, and Rakugo Shinjuu.

And occasionally Konosuba because it's somehow hilarious.