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News ► Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

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Dec 24, 2007
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Tai Yasue, co-director of Kingdom Hearts 3, revealed to Kotaku in a newly published interview that remastering older Kingdom Hearts titles proved very informative in developing Kingdom Hearts 3 on the PS4 and Xbox One.

Yasue explained that Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX was being developed at the same time as Kingdom Hearts 3 and, consequently, a lot of staff were crossing over, working on both titles. A lot of new people who hadn't worked on a Kingdom Hearts game before were also brought in, so they were able to study all the good aspects of the previous games in the series by remastering them on the PS3.

Yasue went on to explain that Kingdom Hearts 3 is to be evolved in a new direction, "but at the same time we don’t want to change what is fundamental about Kingdom Hearts. We’re hiring new people continuously, so they are learning about Kingdom Hearts through making 2.5. It’s a good learning experience."

He then added that the training that went with remastering the older games in the series was necessary, especially so in regards to the necessity of figuring out the balance between both respecting Disney properties, along with introducing new ideas and concepts from Square Enix as well.

"There’s a lot to get used to working with the Disney content, you have to have a lot of dedication and respect for their visual IPs for example, and when you play Kingdom Hearts 2 you see that: when you summon a character or use a spell there’s a lot of love and care that goes into the presentation. When you see Stich coming out of the screen, for example, it’s very true to the original movie. That dedication is something you learn through the process or remaking 2."

Regardless, Yasue doesn't blame Disney as Square Enix would very likely be very protective of their own brands, such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, as well. "So we really understand the importance of not changing the brand and respecting the fans. We want to make it true to Disney - we don’t want to change it fundamentally. We always strive to make original content, but with Kingdom Hearts you have to really respect the source material, and that’s something people really like about the series."

Yasue has been the co-director of numerous games in the series, from Re:Chain of Memories, to Birth by Sleep, Dream Drop Distance and later the HD ReMIX's and the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3. In his belief, working with constraints is what drives him to come up with fresher ideas which are both greenlighted by Disney and actually fun enough to work out for the games. 

"That balancing act leads to a lot of surprises. It’s very challenging, but we work on it daily. We continuously talk with Disney and see what they think is acceptable… but we constantly want to surprise our players, too, so we need flexibility. It is challenging and makes you think."

Even though series director and designer, Tetsuya Nomura, is no longer developing Final Fantasy XV on the PS4 and Xbox One, that doesn't stop the two teams from exchanging ideas and learning from each other. "We trade ideas - especially for Ps4, Xbox One, new gen stuff. We’re trying to move in leaps obviously, so there is a lot to learn and a lot to explain to other people. That exchange of ideas and technology is very important and we’re doing that inside Square Enix, with other teams."

Late last year, Kingdom Hearts 3 changed engines and is now being developed on a modified Unreal Engine 4 graphical environment. Some of our staff here at KHInsider were lucky enough to get a glimpse of some of the footage from the game, which is still pretty early in development. So, as of now it is uncertain when the game gets released, although future events such as E3 in June might be likely to give us the next glimpse into the highly anticipated title.

Source: Kotaku

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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Very interesting. A lot stuff we had assumed for the most part but good to know!


New member
Apr 6, 2014
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Learning experience? Yeah...ok...hope this game doesn't take another decade to come out


New member
Nov 6, 2014
Sometimes Destiny Islands. other times Twilight to
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

That's pretty cool! I don't think it was just for training the new staff though. They really needed to make the game after the first. Was there any really recent interviews in the last 2 weeks? I think there was 1 this year that I know of, or the end of last year.


i remember the OLD khinsider
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Learning experience? Yeah...ok...hope this game doesn't take another decade to come out
love your name

Also, some KH3 footage with some actual footage is right around the corner. I can smell it. It's that kind of smelly smell that smells... smelly.


Apr 24, 2012
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Also, some KH3 footage with some actual footage is right around the corner. I can smell it. It's that kind of smelly smell that smells... smelly.

- _ - Anchovies...

I get what he's getting at with the whole 'getting the newbies accustomed to the properties' thing, but hopefully we are on a full team force move now.

Unless theres a small team working on a 1.5 + 2.5 + DDD for ps4 releasing this year, cause I'd be ok with with that too ;p...


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Dead in a gorge.
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

damn said:
Learning experience? Yeah...ok...hope this game doesn't take another decade to come out

I don't think they mean that in the sense that they don't have anything started for them. But more in the sense that they are learning what elements work and don't work after 10ish years from the original development. I'm sure they have everything planned out they just have to make it.
It's just going to feel like another decade is all.

...Also, some KH3 footage with some actual footage is right around the corner. I can smell it. It's that kind of smelly smell that smells... smelly.

Yeah I smell it too. Even if its just little things, theres been more information released about KH3 this week than there has in months.

It's coming...

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Yeah I could see it being training for KH3. They are probably taking some of the best elements from all the games to use in KH3. I can't wait to actually see another trailer. Might go ahead and get my PS4 since Uncharted 4 and SWB3 is coming out this year. Hope that will tide me over until KH3, but it's not easy... :/


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Why so much emphasis on the summoning...Dare I say that traditional summons will return!!?? That's one thing I do really like about the remix's. The fact that they had to go back and see all the fights, moves, abilities, and mechanics they implemented in old games.

Not going to get into the whole triple wield topic again, but at least the team is reminded that they implemented things like that in a previous title, if only for one specific boss fight, with specific conditions (limit form). Boss exclusive things are easy to forget sometimes. This gives me a little more hope that they noticed traditional Disney summons were an important part of past numbered titles (not so much in II though). They pointed out that numbered titles have a standard, and that's why they won't take too many of the gimmicks from the handheld titles. If traditional summons return they can branch out to television shows like some people wanted. I mean, I'm all for fighting alongside someone like Kim Possible lol


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Why so much emphasis on the summoning...Dare I say that traditional summons will return!!?? That's one thing I do really like about the remix's. The fact that they had to go back and see all the fights, moves, abilities, and mechanics they implemented in old games.

Summoning's coming back but Nomura said there'd be a twist to it. We'll have to see! I really like the summon system, especially with all the opportunities for random Disney cameos it creates! I'd take a pocketful of summons over drive forms any day.


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Summoning's coming back but Nomura said there'd be a twist to it. We'll have to see! I really like the summon system, especially with all the opportunities for random Disney cameos it creates! I'd take a pocketful of summons over drive forms any day.

See that's the thing, he said that before the D23 trailer, and after watching the trailer, we learned we'd summon Disney Attractions. I'm just afraid that that's what he meant by saying summons would be different in KH3, and that traditional summoning may have been replaced by this.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

See that's the thing, he said that before the D23 trailer, and after watching the trailer, we learned we'd summon Disney Attractions. I'm just afraid that that's what he meant by saying summons would be different in KH3, and that traditional summoning may have been replaced by this.

I mean, the rides have their own name, Attraction Flow, and I believe it was said that they would be used situationally. Otherwise what would stop you from just summoning Big Thunder Mountain and killing Heartless all around you haha. So yeah, it doesn't even really sound like actual summoning, so I would assume we still have yet to see what they have planned for summons.


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

I mean, the rides have their own name, Attraction Flow, and I believe it was said that they would be used situationally. Otherwise what would stop you from just summoning Big Thunder Mountain and killing Heartless all around you haha. So yeah, it doesn't even really sound like actual summoning, so I would assume we still have yet to see what they have planned for summons.

I finally decided to go look looking through interviews, and what I found was reassuring. So the doubt came from this, but obviously not at first since none of us even considered summoning Disney Rides at this time:

"Regarding summoning characters, Nomura said that in previous KH titles, we could summon Disney characters, but this will be different in KH3. He didn't say more on this subject though."

Then 4 months later, we learned about Disney Ride summons. Based on this, I thought traditional summoning had been done away with, since he said it would be different.

However a few days later, we got it's official name, Attraction Flow.

"The second is the Disney attraction inspired Attraction Flow. Attraction Flow is an evolution of Kingdom Hearts 3D’s Flowmotion. With Attraction Flow, you can choose which move you want to use against which enemies on the spot, and even during an enemy outbreak you control Sora’s attacks. These new actions are just a fraction of Kingdom Hearts 3′s new components, so please wait for information hereafter."

I noticed in the trailer, you could summon certain attractions at certain places. It wasn't like traditional summoning, which you could use virtually anywhere. You obviously can't summon something like the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster or Space Mountain in a tiny cramped space lol BUT, I forgot he said Attrraction Flow was an evolution of Flowmotion! So it isn't technically the summoning mechanic, and now I believe you're all right! It will return!!! at least it better...


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

I noticed in the trailer, you could summon certain attractions at certain places. It wasn't like traditional summoning, which you could use virtually anywhere. You obviously can't summon something like the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster or Space Mountain in a tiny cramped space lol BUT, I forgot he said Attrraction Flow was an evolution of Flowmotion! So it isn't technically the summoning mechanic, and now I believe you're all right! It will return!!! at least it better...

Yeah, Attraction Flow is an extension of Flowmotion, and since it looks nothing like the mechanics of Flowmotion I think it means that it'll depend on how you interact with the environment.
I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll be summoning Dream Eaters instead of Disney Characters, which makes me a little sad but I liked the Dream Eaters, so. I don't know.


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Maybe there will be both dream eaters and disney charas, who knows? It's hard to say at this point.

I'd really like to see some FF traditional summons tho..bonus if they make them with a personality..


New member
Oct 21, 2013
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

This sounds good. Gathering good aspects from the whole series might help KH3 be the best of them all.

Maybe there will be both dream eaters and disney charas, who knows? It's hard to say at this point.

I'd really like to see some FF traditional summons tho..bonus if they make them with a personality..

Please no! No Dream Eaters, please Nomura! Traditional FF summons are a great idea, though!


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

I just love the idea, been daydreaming about having traditional FF summons in KH for a while now... If they're actual CHARACTERS too I think it'd be even better. (Like Sora has to meet and maybe beat these Aeons/Eidolons/avatars/espers whatever in a challenge before they'll help him, and they actually are people in their own right, so there you go again with the friendship theme)

But back on topic; I hope this makes for a really good game really. Hopefully we'll see some good points from all of them.
Last edited:


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

I just love the idea, been daydreaming about having traditional FF summons in KH for a while now... If they're actual CHARACTERS too I think it'd be even better. (Like Sora has to meet and maybe beat these Aeons/Eidolons/avatars/espers whatever in a challenge before they'll help him, and they actually are people in their own right, so there you go again with the friendship theme)

But back on topic; I hope this makes for a really good game really. Hopefully we'll see some good points from all of them.

I remember seeing Namine summon Vincent Valentine in Dead Fantasy 6, and I thought it could be an interesting addition to the Kingdom Hearts series. If they do it right, I could be up for that too. But series staples like Cloud, I'd rather be official partners (Noctis and Lightning too) Nomura did say Summoning would be different. I just hope whatever he means isn't too gimmicky.

It'd be interesting to see them borrow a little from D Links too. Perhaps your moveset or even weapon could change when you summon certain FF characters.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

Hmm. Interesting. Somehow I thought that the FFXV team and KH3 stopped interacting with each other, when Nomura stepped down as FFVX director. Glad to hear they are still changing ideas. I wonder what goes on between these two teams.

About the ReMixe`s being a learning process for new people. Would they benefit also for remastering Dream Drop Distance? I remember Nomura saying that DDD has many new elements, and that the direction of that game is also the direction of KH`s future. (Also the possibilty to play as Riku on a big TV screen, and hear Sacred Distance from it aswell.) :D


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
Re: Yasue: HD ReMIX's were necessary training for Kingdom Hearts 3

What I mean Jamae by characters; Take FF4. You don't realize it until the Feymarch (Yes I'm going by the DS remake), but Rydia's summoned creatures are actually real people and have a human form as well. They also have a rule/tradition that the summoner has to beat them in a fair fight before they can summon them. (And having a party with you is obviously considered fair in the earlier games, so I can see this working in KH with Sora/Donald/Goofy)

Imagine KH'ing THAT element; Like Sora has to beat Bahamut in a fair fight before he gives Sora the means to summon him. Sora prolly wouldn't like that but done right.. Especially if we got a actual personality to them here..
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