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  • ;) Fictions? Only my own that I have written on this board. Xigxas isn't well known in the fandom. Shame really.

    And oh? What are your other two? :D
    I personally still don't understand it... but it's easier than yours, definitely.

    Yes. You must try some.

    Get up, right now, go out to the store, buy vinegar, go to a restaurant, buy fries, pour the vinegar on in fairly small amounts, and if you dislike it hit homeless people with a metal pole of any sort.
    It is.

    I've been eating it that way my entire life, and it just gets better every time.

    Vinegar. An amazing journey.
    Never heard of eating vinegar with fries?

    You people... you people frighten me.

    It's offered whenever you ask for fries in Canada... anywhere you happen to be. And it's so good... You guys are backwards, with your no metric system, and your... other American things...

    *Rambles on/useless complaints*

    Oh, so they say Pop in Michigan? Huh... Well, I've only ever been once, so I guess I didn't notice.
    I didn't even know they said Pop in America in the first place.

    Hey, is it true you don't have vinegar with your fries down there?
    That sounds pretty awesome, I tried taking another language but I failed lol - I wish you all the luck xD
    And that's cool, would that be in some (I'm not sure how to phrase it ...) like - negotiations and stuff? xD
    lol you get used to it after a while xD

    It sounds nice (apart from tornados ...) - but still, nice ^^
    That's awesome though, sounds like a good plan :D

    I'm in my second year in college and studying geography, english literature and language, law and medieval history :) I'm going to stay for another year though and take something to do with media and public services so I have a better chance at getting the job I like xD

    What about you??
    Hell yeah! We have a vending machine in college that does mocha coffee, it's soooo nice xD
    Awesome, is it nice in the USA? I'm planning to move over when I've finished with university :D
    And basically all the time it is, yeah. Last summer we got pretty much only 2 days of actual sunshine ... But then, I live in Cornwall which is in the South West of the UK so it's always raining down here - the only good thing we have is pasties xDDDDDD
    xD Not just any coffee though ... Mocha coffee ^_^
    And I am in the UK xD and it's raining *sigh* lol
    What about you - where is 4:12 a.m?
    Ouch, 4:12 a.m?! Painful haha xD
    Maybe some coffee or something might help? ^_^
    And yeah, I'm okai thanks - it's 11:30 a.m here and I am on my own lol so everything is good xD
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