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Unpopular Gaming Opinions



Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu is incredibly overrated. It's just so boring. I know it's a remake, but it's a kind of unnecessary one. The game focuses heavily on catching, but if you catch with the Pokeball Plus, it's really inaccurate - if you want to catch like that, just play Pokemon Go which is much better in that regard. Besides that, it has the same static fighting and stiff animations we've had for years now, so I don't get why it got praised so much. Plus, did we really need two versions AGAIN? I want Vulpix, but you can't get it in the game and since the Switch is so expensive, no one of my friends has one and I really don't want to pay for Nintendo's premium membership program because its execution is so poor.

It really bothers me if you can only wear skirts and dresses in games if you're playing as a female. Recently noticed this about Fantasy Life where men can have a lot of trousers which are locked for girls (they mostly get miniskirts and dresses). If you include trousers and dresses, just make them accessible for both genders. Why go the extra distance just to lock away content?

The PS2 classics section on the PS4 is way too small even though it's pretty great. I'd wish they'd expand it but Sony said they probably won't.


Active member
Feb 10, 2019
Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu is incredibly overrated.

To the moon and back.

I think the point of the games is to attract the casual players of pokemon go. As such, they can be introduced to a semi mainline pokemon experience with mechanics that they're familiar with and then make the leap to a full fledged one. Basically I think it's a marketing strategy, and one that's good at that.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
4. Super Mario Maker feels lazy. And it feels like Nintendo got tired of making new levels/games for us to play, and rather we do it ourselves.
Wow. That's going past unpopular opinion & into factual incorrect territory with a gross misunderstanding of how game creation even works. Like, do you think you're doing computer programming in SMM? We got the easy part, putting the pre-made pieces together. Nintendo created the pieces, programmed them & drew the sprites, experimented with how every object interacts with every other object, bug tested the for months.

Because SMM is so freeform in letting players do what want, Nintendo had to go the distance in making sure everything functions perfectly in every possible scenario. Whereas in previous Mario games certain objects/enemies would only in certain levels & thus testing for said object didn't need to extend beyond the level in question. Nintendo would've had to have been MORE extensive & exhaustive in play-testing SMM than any 2D Mario before it just so they were sure it worked properly.

Without question they likely created thousands of levels themselves just for all of the playtesting/bugtesting necessary. In fact SMM does have 68 built-in levels on the Wii U version & 100 levels in the 3DS version. So they made 2 whole games worth anyway.

& then there's the interface. How much thought & care & planing & more experimenting Nintendo must've put into figuring out how to make the level editor as seemless as possible to the end user without sacrificing depth of options. Simple enough so that anyone, even kids can make functional Mario level yet deep enough that experts can still make something truly creative.

Nintendo built an online network for hosting player's creations, set-up server farms which they kept maintained for years without charging for it (on Wii U anyway). Even more bug testing just for that feature alone. What other Mario game before even had online functionality? & they implemented compatibility with Miiverse so players could leave feedback. Players messages could even appear within levels which takes an additional layer of programming. Plus Nintendo employees working at all hours to screen & moderate said messages.

There's a ton of features in SMM that it never needed but Nintendo put in anyway. I would've been fine with just SMB1 style or just NSMB style but Nintendo put in 4 different graphics style that we can switch on the fly. This meant creating whole new sprites, animations, & BGM for any object/enemy/terrain that wasn't already in all 4 styles (IE Wigglers, boos, ghost houses, airships, & more for SMB1 style). There's effectively well over 100 playable characters in the game & Nintendo continued adding more & more for about a year after release. On that note, there were multiple patches & updates that added not only much requested features but also a few handy additions that nobody saw coming like keys & locked doors.

& let's not forget that an official Mario level editor was a thing that Mario fans had been begging Nintendo for for years. At least since before NSMBW by my estimation. That's the reason they went through all that effort to begin with, to make the fans' dreams come true.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
^ You slightly misunderstood what I meant by making levels. And you took my “lazy” comment too seriously. I have nothing against Nintendo or SMM for the most part. And I can admit my mistakes. So yes, I made a mistake yesterday, and stepped on a few toes.

I won’t go further into this because it’s not worth it. And at the end of the day, a game is truly just a game. Play what you love. You do you. And don’t get upset over what someone else says. Enjoy the games you play.
Last edited:


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
To the moon and back.

I think the point of the games is to attract the casual players of pokemon go. As such, they can be introduced to a semi mainline pokemon experience with mechanics that they're familiar with and then make the leap to a full fledged one. Basically I think it's a marketing strategy, and one that's good at that.

This is a very good argument, but I wonder what kind of Pokemon fans we still have to draw in. I mean the mainline experience is really not a hard one, quite the opposite - Sun and Moon were so crammed with tutorials and easyness so that every third grader could play it that it was hard to bear. I play Pokemon Go frequently and I don't feel like there are a lot of casual players to attract there. Either the players stay because they like Pokemon and become at least core players or they leave because the game itself has little more to offer if you don't like catching the same critters over and over and over. Let's Go is the same repetitive experience which doesn't really fill a spot in my opinion - it has too little to offer over Pokemon Go (overworld map, yay) but isn't enough a mainline Pokemon experience to be recognized as such. I feel like the game aimed straight for the nostalgia audience that usually mostly consists of people who will love a game because of it and won't see any flaws; and yeah, they did a good job with the nostalgia. I just feel it's not a good game by itself and certainly not for one made in 2018.

Another unpopular opinion: Decision games like Heavy Rain / Life is strange belong to a great genre and deserve to be recognized as games.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
- Wii U could have been a good console

I think that the Wii U still has/had strengths compared to the Switch, and that actually saddens me. The Wii U had a fantastic Virtual Console that, in the end, expanded even into Nintendo DS games. The fact that they kicked butt with the VC on the Wii U and then turned around and just eliminated the idea once they got to a hybrid console is one of the most disappointing things I have ever seen. I would have bought more VC games on the Switch than any other system because it is so darn convenient. But nope. No VC. Just enjoy the same old boring NES games we've been cramming in your face for over 15 years now, but only by subscription, and only by paying for our crappy online service that you shouldn't have to pay a penny for.

Speaking of which, the Wii U had, of course, a free online service, and the free online service was run with gamer tags instead of Friend Codes. That's right, people in the Wii U days actually got to enter usernames, you know, a standard that Sony and Microsoft set forever ago. But then for the Switch, Nintendo just goes back to FCs like nothing ever happened.

Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo. *shakes head*


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2017
Lake Charles, LA
I don’t believe in overrepresentation of a series in Smash Bros; I just don’t want most of a series’ section of a roster to have clones or semi-clones (not counting Echo Fighters) of the same one character.


Well-known member
May 8, 2007
I think I prefer linear Mario (the 2D games, Galaxy and 3D World) over sandbox/open world Mario (64, Sunshine and Odyssey).


The Cleric of Flamesgrace
Oct 2, 2012
Kakariko Village
- Pokemon Black and White is a better generation than X and Y or Sun and Moon, and my favorite game in the series. While a few of the Pokemon do have questionable designs, just as many have become favorites of mine. Snivy/Serperior is my favorite Grass starter ever, and the region was single-handedly responsible for elevating Bug type beyond troll status. The story was really good and the difficulty was still on par with previous gens. Also, Kanto is overrated and I could care less if I ever see the Pokemon from that region again, I've gotten so sick of seeing them every game.

- KH2 is not my favorite game in the series, and I actually preferred 3 over it. Both are inferior to 1/CoM/Days though.


Art of War
Jul 22, 2009
Don't get me wrong. Majora's Mask is a good game, but it doesn't meet my "incredible" standards. Most of the game is full of side quests. Some are fun and others are a chore. I don't think the dungeon designs are that great either. It does capitalize on Ocarina of Time in some areas, but Ocarina of Time does things better than Majora's Mask as well.


Well-known member
May 8, 2007
- KH2 is not my favorite game in the series, and I actually preferred 3 over it. Both are inferior to 1/CoM/Days though.
I love KH3 quite a lot, but KH1 has a special ambient atmosphere that the series hasn’t replicated since. Plus it has the best sidequests of the three (dalmatians, trinity marks and the coliseum).


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Nintendo console have terrible usability. Really, really terrible.

I had so much frustration with merging my 3DS and my Switch E-Shop account together - why not use ONE account for every Nintendo console in the first place? - but the latest issue completely killed my patience.
I wanted to buy two Ace Attorney games in the 3DS E-Shop. The deal was running out, so I went to the local store, put some money in and wanted to buy the games. And was declined because "there is not enough space on the 3DS", thus I can't even buy it. First of all, let me buy it, make space and download it later (like on Playstation) and not hinder me from buying. I had to clear EVERY SINGLE GAME on my system to make space for ONE. game. And the way this is measured is so random - the size is measured in "blocks" and not bytes - and you don't see how many blocks you have available in the first place and I even had a SD card inserted - which was obviously full after downloading a single game cause there's no way to tell how many bytes one "block" is, right?
This is ridiculous and everything takes so damn long to load. It took me an hour to download the game because I tried to find a way I didn't need to delete everything, but couldn't. The 3Ds is such a piece of junk - nice games though.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Really unpopular opinion:

The Dark Souls series ist terribly overrated. I don't want to say there aren't good games, because they are - but they are presented everywhere, as a parade example of basically everything. Unique storytelling? Dark Souls. A game is hard? Difficulty must be ranked in how much Dark Souls it is. Atmosphere? Dark Souls. And we are getting to a point where you can only prove yourself as a gamer when you have finished Dark Souls because it is everywhere.

Yes, this is exaggerated but I feel it's how it is when I talk to several gamers. Currently I'm studying Game Design as my Master's degree and we were supposed to give a lecture about different aspects of Game Design, consoles and gaming and assigned a topic. About 7/10 lectures had Dark Souls somewhere, one third of one lecture was basically one guy talking about how great Dark Souls is for FIFTEEN minutes straight. I have the impression that a lot of people think that a lot of things were basically invented by Dark Souls when they are not - there have always been games with difficult boss fights or a good atmosphere and yeah, the story structure of Dark Souls is great when you want to invest your whole life to find out what it's even about and get basically nothing by just playing the game. And no, not every death is your own damn fault in this game, I stepped into some random hole in the ground so often because it was literally too dark to see anything.

Dark Souls is a good game - but there are other good games out there that people shouldn't forget.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
I don't care for the Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's probably going to be a good game but it's just not resonating with me.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2017
Lake Charles, LA
Casual Mode is fine for people who want to enjoy the story and see how any fallen units can be better prepared for battle.

Tyrant Raver

The Dragon
Oct 3, 2006
7th Street, Cerberus' Row
I really don't care for Persona 5. I kinda feel like it's struggling with its identity. In a way that it wants to be taken seriously like Persona 3, but at the same time wants to be quirky like Persona 4.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the Jazz shindig it had going but... it kinda feels--I don't know, flat?


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2017
Lake Charles, LA
Seath the Scaleless should've been a boss in Ultimate instead of Rathalos, assuming we don't get a playable Dark Souls rep.

Also, turn-based mainline FF games can live on, as even Square themselves proved in the recent past. If I ever made one, I’d prefer to use a medieval setting again.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
The spinoff Pokemon games are better than the mainline ones. The mainline games have been so dumbed down over the years while I still remember how much I cried my eyes out over the story of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Darkness. I also loved Pokemon Snap, Trading Card Game and Pinball to death and feel that these should come back in some form instead of some lackluster new mainline game.

Story of Seasons is nice, but somehow ... boring. It's really slow and I miss mining a lot. I know that these games often have a slow start but this one just takes the cake. Usually, there's so much to do in these games that I don't know what to do first and in that one I had so little to do and so much time that I sometimes didn't know what to do with my time at all. It's annoying to have a lot of needed content locked behind a factor like time - for example, I need bricks to upgrade my house which I currently can only get by diving into the river everyday and hoping for good RNG. Also, I need Gold and have no idea how to access it or requests that wish for stuff I can't even make yet - this is kinda frustrating. It's not as good as people make it to be.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Just going to copy what Alpha Baymax said. I'm not interested in the FFVII remake. I feel like I see Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, and Sephiroth on a daily basis whenever I go to any gaming place. And now with the remake it's double and I'm sick of them.
Oct 25, 2018
Terminator: Salvation the video game is my guilty pleasure. I am aware of its flaws, mostly it's lack of content and it's extremely short, you can complete it in like 4 hours. However, for me, it really captured the feel of hopeless war against the machines in the post-apocalyptic world. People complained that it had a very small number of enemy types. But for me it added to the game's atmosphere. It's not hard for me to believe that Skynet would keep flooding the streets of post-nuclear war Los Angeles with the same robots. Their function is pretty simple - kill every human in their sight. Why would Skynet waste materials, time and resources to design new Terminators if the old ones seem to be pretty good at their task lol